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Windows: after download, open a command line (CMD.exe) then CD into the download folder and type "sfk" for the help text. Mac/Linux: after download, open a command line or terminal, then rename to sfk like "mv sfk-mac-64.exe sfk", make it executable by "chmod +x sfk" and type "./sfk"
Intense users may be interested in Swiss File Knife Plus. It features a high performance replace command for large text and binary files, can access https:// encrypted web URLs, and comes bundled with SFKTray Full to show 27 status lights in the system tray. Read more here. The current version is 1.9.9. Read the list of recent changes here. You may place questions in the sfk forums. For software download sites: the SFK PAD file is available here. SFK Icons and example code for linking can be found here.
Now follows the SFK for Windows syntax overview. (On Mac OS X and Linux, replace every ! character by :, and every $ by #. Type wildcards with a preceeding slash: \* and \?) SFK - The Swiss File Knife Multi Function Tool. Release 1.9.9 Base/XD of Aug 15 2023. StahlWorks Technologies, Distributed for free under the BSD License, without any warranty. type "sfk commandname" for help on any of the following. some commands require to add "-help" for the help text. file system sfk list - list directory tree contents. list latest, oldest or biggest files. list directory differences. list zip jar tar gz bz2 contents. sfk olist - list office files in a folder, like .docx .xlsx .ods .odt sfk filefind - find files by filename sfk treesize - show directory size statistics sfk copy - copy directory trees additively sfk sync - mirror tree content with deletion sfk rename - flexible multi file rename sfk partcopy - copy part from a file into another one sfk mkdir - create directory tree sfk delete - delete files and folders sfk deltree - delete whole directory tree sfk deblank - remove blanks in filenames sfk space [-h] - tell total and free size of volume sfk filetime - tell times of a file sfk touch - change times of a file sfk index - create index file(s) for fast lookup sfk name - lookup file names using index files sfk fixfile - change bad filenames and file times sfk setbytes - set bytes at offset within a file compression sfk zip - create zip file from folder sfk zipto - zip selected file list sfk unzip - list or extract zip file sfk checkzip - verify zip file content conversion sfk oload - load office file content as text sfk lf-to-crlf - convert from LF to CRLF line endings sfk crlf-to-lf - convert from CRLF to LF line endings sfk detab - convert TAB characters to spaces sfk entab - convert groups of spaces to TAB chars sfk scantab - list files containing TAB characters sfk split - split large files into smaller ones sfk join - join small files into a large one sfk csvtotab - convert .csv data to tab separated sfk tabtocsv - convert tab separated to .csv format sfk encode - convert data to base64 or hex format sfk decode - decode base64, hex or url format sfk wtoa - convert wide chars to Ansi sfk wtou - convert wide chars to UTF-8 sfk utoa - convert UTF-8 text to Ansi sfk hexdump - create hexdump from a binary file sfk hextobin - convert hex data to binary sfk hex - convert decimal number(s) to hex sfk dec - convert hex number(s) to decimal sfk chars - print chars for a list of codes sfk bin-to-src - convert binary to source code sfk uuencode - encode binary files as plain text text processing sfk filter - search, filter and replace text data sfk ofilter - filter text from an office file sfk replace - replace words in binary and text files sfk xed - edit stream text using sfk expressions sfk xex - extract from stream text using expressions sfk xreplace - Plus/XE: replace in files using expressions sfk run - run external command on all files of a folder sfk runloop - run a command n times in a loop sfk printloop - print some text many times sfk load - load file content for further processing sfk perline - run sfk command(s) per input text line sfk head - print first lines of a file sfk tail - print last lines of a file sfk snapto - join many text files into one file sfk addhead - insert string at start of text lines sfk addtail - append string at end of text lines sfk joinlines - join text lines split by email reformatting sfk strings - extract strings from a binary file sfk sort - sort text lines produced by another command sfk count - count text lines, filter identical lines sfk difflines - show text lines differing between files sfk linelen - tell length of string(s) search and compare sfk xfind - search in text files using wildcards and simple expressions sfk ofind - search in office files .docx .xlsx .ods sfk xfindbin - search in text and binary files sfk xhexfind - search with hexdump output sfk extract - extract data from text and binary sfk find - search static text, without wildcards sfk hexfind - search static binary data sfk md5gento - create list of md5 checksums over files sfk md5check - verify list of md5 checksums over files sfk md5 - calc md5 over a file, compare two files sfk pathfind - search PATH for location of a command sfk reflist - list fuzzy references between files sfk deplist - list fuzzy dependencies between files sfk dupfind - find duplicate files by content networking sfk httpserv - run an instant HTTP server. type "sfk httpserv -help" for help. sfk ftpserv - run an instant FTP server type "sfk ftpserv -help" for help. sfk ftp - instant FTP client sfk web - send HTTP request to a server sfk wget - download HTTP file from the web sfk tcpdump - print TCP conversation between programs sfk udpdump - print incoming UDP requests sfk udpsend - send UDP requests sfk webproxy - http proxy for traffic analysis sfk help tcp - tcp toolkit to write test scripts sfk ip - tell own machine's IP address(es). type "sfk ip -help" for help. sfk netlog - send text outputs to network, and/or file, and/or terminal sfk fromnet -h - receive and print network text sfk ping - ping multiple machines in one go sfk pingdiff - find ip of new devices scripting sfk help chain - how to combine multiple commands sfk batch - run many sfk commands in a script file sfk label - define starting points within a script sfk call - call a sub function at a label sfk echo - print (coloured) text to terminal sfk color - change text color of terminal sfk setvar - put text into an sfk variable sfk storetext - store text in memory for later use sfk alias - create command from other commands sfk mkcd - create command to reenter directory sfk sleep - delay execution for milliseconds sfk pause - wait for user input sfk stop - stop sfk script execution sfk tee - split command output in two streams sfk tofile - save command output to a file sfk toterm - flush command output to terminal sfk for - repeat commands many times sfk loop - repeat execution of all commands sfk cd - change directory within a script sfk getcwd - print the current working directory sfk require - compare version text sfk time [-h] - print current date and time development sfk bin-to-src - convert binary data to source code sfk make-random-file - create file with random data sfk fuzz - change file at random, for testing sfk sample - print example code for programming sfk patch - change text files through a script sfk inst - instrument c++ with tracing calls diverse sfk view - show text output in a GUI tool, for interactive browse and filter sfk status - send colored status to the SFKTray Windows GUI utility for display sfk calc - do a simple instant calculation sfk random - create a random number sfk prompt - ask for user input sfk number - print number in diverse formats sfk xmlform - reformat xml for easy viewing sfk jsonform - reformat json for easy viewing sfk video - how to edit video files sfk toclip - copy command output to clipboard sfk fromclip - read text from clipboard sfk env - search environment variables sfk version - show version of a binary file sfk ascii - list Ansi codepage characters sfk ascii -dos - list OEM codepage characters sfk spell - phonetic spelling for telephone sfk cmd - print an example command sfk ruler - measure console text width sfk license - print the SFK license text sfk update - check for SFK updates help by subject sfk help office - how to search in office files sfk help select - how dirs and files are selected in sfk sfk help options - general options reference sfk help patterns - wildcards and text patterns within sfk sfk help chain - how to combine (chain) multiple commands sfk help var - how to use sfk variables and parameters sfk samp - example scripts on sfk use and for http web access automation sfk help shell - how to optimize the windows command prompt sfk help chars - about locale specific characters sfk help nocase - about case insensitive search sfk help unicode - about unicode file reading support sfk help colors - how to change result colors sfk help compile - how to compile sfk on any linux system sfk currently uses these environment variables: SFK_COLORS=head:4,examp:4,file:1,hit:4,rep:6 SFK_OWN_NET=192.168.178 first time user? type "sfk basic" for very basic informations about how to select files, general options, shell preparation, complex <>|!&?* character issues and color setup. to search ALL help text for a topic: type "sfk ask word1" to search all for word1. type "sfk ask w1 w2" to search all for w1 and w2. type "sfk dumphelp" to print ALL help text. +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Get these addons to boost your daily work: | |----------------------------------------------------------| | SFK Book : The full command reference in print. | | SFK E-Book : A PDF optimized for your smart phone. | | SFK Plus : Fast (x)replace, HTTPS web access and | | 27 status lights in the system tray. | | DView Pro : Search 100,000 text files per second. | | Fly over 100,000 files in one window. | |----------------------------------------------------------| | Read more on | +----------------------------------------------------------+ SFK - The Swiss File Knife Multi Function Tool. Release 1.9.9 Base/XD of Aug 15 2023. StahlWorks Technologies, Distributed for free under the BSD License, without any warranty. type "sfk commandname" for help on any of the following. some commands require to add "-help" for the help text. file system sfk list - list directory tree contents. list latest, oldest or biggest files. list directory differences. list zip jar tar gz bz2 contents. sfk olist - list office files in a folder, like .docx .xlsx .ods .odt sfk filefind - find files by filename sfk treesize - show directory size statistics sfk copy - copy directory trees additively sfk sync - mirror tree content with deletion sfk rename - flexible multi file rename sfk partcopy - copy part from a file into another one sfk mkdir - create directory tree sfk delete - delete files and folders sfk deltree - delete whole directory tree sfk deblank - remove blanks in filenames sfk space [-h] - tell total and free size of volume sfk filetime - tell times of a file sfk touch - change times of a file sfk index - create index file(s) for fast lookup sfk name - lookup file names using index files sfk fixfile - change bad filenames and file times sfk setbytes - set bytes at offset within a file compression sfk zip - create zip file from folder sfk zipto - zip selected file list sfk unzip - list or extract zip file sfk checkzip - verify zip file content conversion sfk oload - load office file content as text sfk lf-to-crlf - convert from LF to CRLF line endings sfk crlf-to-lf - convert from CRLF to LF line endings sfk detab - convert TAB characters to spaces sfk entab - convert groups of spaces to TAB chars sfk scantab - list files containing TAB characters sfk split - split large files into smaller ones sfk join - join small files into a large one sfk csvtotab - convert .csv data to tab separated sfk tabtocsv - convert tab separated to .csv format sfk encode - convert data to base64 or hex format sfk decode - decode base64, hex or url format sfk wtoa - convert wide chars to Ansi sfk wtou - convert wide chars to UTF-8 sfk utoa - convert UTF-8 text to Ansi sfk hexdump - create hexdump from a binary file sfk hextobin - convert hex data to binary sfk hex - convert decimal number(s) to hex sfk dec - convert hex number(s) to decimal sfk chars - print chars for a list of codes sfk bin-to-src - convert binary to source code sfk uuencode - encode binary files as plain text text processing sfk filter - search, filter and replace text data sfk ofilter - filter text from an office file sfk replace - replace words in binary and text files sfk xed - edit stream text using sfk expressions sfk xex - extract from stream text using expressions sfk xreplace - Plus/XE: replace in files using expressions sfk run - run external command on all files of a folder sfk runloop - run a command n times in a loop sfk printloop - print some text many times sfk load - load file content for further processing sfk perline - run sfk command(s) per input text line sfk head - print first lines of a file sfk tail - print last lines of a file sfk snapto - join many text files into one file sfk addhead - insert string at start of text lines sfk addtail - append string at end of text lines sfk joinlines - join text lines split by email reformatting sfk strings - extract strings from a binary file sfk sort - sort text lines produced by another command sfk count - count text lines, filter identical lines sfk difflines - show text lines differing between files sfk linelen - tell length of string(s) search and compare sfk xfind - search in text files using wildcards and simple expressions sfk ofind - search in office files .docx .xlsx .ods sfk xfindbin - search in text and binary files sfk xhexfind - search with hexdump output sfk extract - extract data from text and binary sfk find - search static text, without wildcards sfk hexfind - search static binary data sfk md5gento - create list of md5 checksums over files sfk md5check - verify list of md5 checksums over files sfk md5 - calc md5 over a file, compare two files sfk pathfind - search PATH for location of a command sfk reflist - list fuzzy references between files sfk deplist - list fuzzy dependencies between files sfk dupfind - find duplicate files by content networking sfk httpserv - run an instant HTTP server. type "sfk httpserv -help" for help. sfk ftpserv - run an instant FTP server type "sfk ftpserv -help" for help. sfk ftp - instant FTP client sfk web - send HTTP request to a server sfk wget - download HTTP file from the web sfk tcpdump - print TCP conversation between programs sfk udpdump - print incoming UDP requests sfk udpsend - send UDP requests sfk webproxy - http proxy for traffic analysis sfk help tcp - tcp toolkit to write test scripts sfk ip - tell own machine's IP address(es). type "sfk ip -help" for help. sfk netlog - send text outputs to network, and/or file, and/or terminal sfk fromnet -h - receive and print network text sfk ping - ping multiple machines in one go sfk pingdiff - find ip of new devices scripting sfk help chain - how to combine multiple commands sfk batch - run many sfk commands in a script file sfk label - define starting points within a script sfk call - call a sub function at a label sfk echo - print (coloured) text to terminal sfk color - change text color of terminal sfk setvar - put text into an sfk variable sfk storetext - store text in memory for later use sfk alias - create command from other commands sfk mkcd - create command to reenter directory sfk sleep - delay execution for milliseconds sfk pause - wait for user input sfk stop - stop sfk script execution sfk tee - split command output in two streams sfk tofile - save command output to a file sfk toterm - flush command output to terminal sfk for - repeat commands many times sfk loop - repeat execution of all commands sfk cd - change directory within a script sfk getcwd - print the current working directory sfk require - compare version text sfk time [-h] - print current date and time development sfk bin-to-src - convert binary data to source code sfk make-random-file - create file with random data sfk fuzz - change file at random, for testing sfk sample - print example code for programming sfk patch - change text files through a script sfk inst - instrument c++ with tracing calls diverse sfk view - show text output in a GUI tool, for interactive browse and filter sfk status - send colored status to the SFKTray Windows GUI utility for display sfk calc - do a simple instant calculation sfk random - create a random number sfk prompt - ask for user input sfk number - print number in diverse formats sfk xmlform - reformat xml for easy viewing sfk jsonform - reformat json for easy viewing sfk video - how to edit video files sfk toclip - copy command output to clipboard sfk fromclip - read text from clipboard sfk env - search environment variables sfk version - show version of a binary file sfk ascii - list Ansi codepage characters sfk ascii -dos - list OEM codepage characters sfk spell - phonetic spelling for telephone sfk cmd - print an example command sfk ruler - measure console text width sfk license - print the SFK license text sfk update - check for SFK updates help by subject sfk help office - how to search in office files sfk help select - how dirs and files are selected in sfk sfk help options - general options reference sfk help patterns - wildcards and text patterns within sfk sfk help chain - how to combine (chain) multiple commands sfk help var - how to use sfk variables and parameters sfk samp - example scripts on sfk use and for http web access automation sfk help shell - how to optimize the windows command prompt sfk help chars - about locale specific characters sfk help nocase - about case insensitive search sfk help unicode - about unicode file reading support sfk help colors - how to change result colors sfk help compile - how to compile sfk on any linux system sfk currently uses these environment variables: SFK_COLORS=head:4,examp:4,file:1,hit:4, rep:6 SFK_OWN_NET=192.168.178 first time user? type "sfk basic" for very basic informations about how to select files, general options, shell preparation, complex <>|!&?* character issues and color setup. to search ALL help text for a topic: type "sfk ask word1" to search all for word1. type "sfk ask w1 w2" to search all for w1 and w2. type "sfk dumphelp" to print ALL help text.