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sfk chars word [word2] sfk ... +chars print character codes of all chars of a word, or print chars for the given code(s). under Windows this lists both Ansi and OEM codes as decimal and hexadecimal (0x) value. if you see a decimal OEM code like 097 you can keep Alt pressed, then type 097, release Alt to produce this character in the console. options -nohead do not show table header -min minimal format as under linux -codes force listing of character codes, do not check if word is a number. -literal or -lit stops interpretation of any further options or chain commands. required if you need the code of "-" or "+". -hexlist print flat list of hex codes -hexsrc print as hex source code -fromutf decode utf8 sequence from hexadecimal input like 0xe28098 command chaining support accepts text or binary from a previous command. examples sfk chars hello prints 5 lines of codes, one for each char. sfk chars 0x53464b prints 'SFK', the letters for these hex codes. any number of hex values can be provided. sfk chars -fromutf 0x54657374e28098e28099 decodes ASCII characters and UTF-8 sequences, listing code points of each character found. sfk char 65 prints 'A', the letter for that decimal code. only a single decimal value can be provided. sfk char -lit + print the code of the plus char. sfk fromclip +chars show codes from the word in the clipboard. sfk chars 84 101 115 116 105 110 103 show characters for these ascii codes. sfk chars word [word2] sfk ... +chars print character codes of all chars of a word, or print chars for the given code(s). under Windows this lists both Ansi and OEM codes as decimal and hexadecimal (0x) value. if you see a decimal OEM code like 097 you can keep Alt pressed, then type 097, release Alt to produce this character in the console. options -nohead do not show table header -min minimal format as under linux -codes force listing of character codes, do not check if word is a number. -literal or -lit stops interpretation of any further options or chain commands. required if you need the code of "-" or "+". -hexlist print flat list of hex codes -hexsrc print as hex source code -fromutf decode utf8 sequence from hexadecimal input like 0xe28098 command chaining support accepts text or binary from a previous command. examples sfk chars hello prints 5 lines of codes, one for each char. sfk chars 0x53464b prints 'SFK', the letters for these hex codes. any number of hex values can be provided. sfk chars -fromutf 0x54657374e28098e28099 decodes ASCII characters and UTF-8 sequences, listing code points of each character found. sfk char 65 prints 'A', the letter for that decimal code. only a single decimal value can be provided. sfk char -lit + print the code of the plus char. sfk fromclip +chars show codes from the word in the clipboard. sfk chars 84 101 115 116 105 110 103 show characters for these ascii codes. you are viewing this page in mobile portrait mode with a limited layout. turn your device right, use a desktop browser or buy the sfk e-book for improved reading. sfk is a free open-source tool, running instantly without installation efforts. no DLL's, no registry changes - just get sfk.exe from the zip package and use it (binaries for windows, linux and mac are included).