On a current computer, all occurrences of class should be found
in less than 5 seconds across 20,000 files, at a speed of Mach 10 or higher.
All text lines containing the searched word are listed in a
Filtered View.
Just click into any of those lines
to jump to that text place immediately.
You may also search words by clicking on them with the left mouse button,
then select the search icon.
Or by a right click on a word, to have it
searched instantly in another window.
Long words are found faster than short ones.
QView is free for personal, non commercial use.
Commercial users have to purchase Depeche View Pro,
which can not only search the Qt sources, but all text files of
a folder, or .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 or .zip archive file,
plus many more features. More infos and a free Trial
are available here.