On Mac or Linux, open a command line or terminal, rename the binary to sfk like "mv sfk-mac-64.exe sfk",
make it executable by "chmod +x sfk", and type "./sfk".
The Swiss File Knife Open Source Edition (SFK OSE)
allows to compile the tool for further platforms,
e.g. ARM based embedded Linux.
Just download the source code .zip package from
SFK OSE contains only a handful source files,
therefore a compile shouldn't be too difficult
(see do-compile-unix.bat within the .zip package).
SFK Extended Edition (XE) comes with a powerful replace command
for text and binary files. It allows to replace fixed strings
at high performance, or to use a flexible search and replace
with SFK Expressions.
Furthermore it allows direct reading of .zip, .tar.gz and .tar.bz2
file contents. Some .zip file formats (e.g. 64 bits) are not supported.