How to compare a text by highlighting all words found in the clipboard. How to highlight all found words in green, and the other ones
in red, for a quick overview if a text contains all words from the clipboard, with a Freeware tool for Windows and Linux/Mac.
After download, run the tool by double click, then click on Open
and select a directory from which you want to load all text files.
All ASCII text files from that folder will be loaded, like all
.txt, .ini, .html, readme or source code files.
Clipboard word group match
With this function, the current text can be compared against
all words found in the clipboard. Use it like this:
- copy some text into the clipboard,
with a maximum size of 1 MB.
- select Clip group match, or press CTRL+SHIFT+G.
- all words of the current text which are found
within the clipboard text will be shown in pale green.
all words which are not found will be shown in pale red.
- to stop this mode, select Clip group match again.
This is typically used by software developers, to check
if a constructor method initializes all fields of an object:
the constructor code is copied to clipboard, then go to
the class declaration, then activate clip group match.
But it can also be useful otherwise, e.g. to theck CSV data
exports of a spreadsheet for completeness.
Word matches are done according to the current case or
accent sensitivity settings. For example, if you need
case sensitive matching, first click on case, and then
activate clip group match.
Highlight colors can be changed in the config file like:
color group-match 00FF00
color group-miss FF0000