How to do things
AI Noob vs. Pro

List biggest files
List newest files
Show subdir sizes
Search in files
Replace word in files
List dir differences
Send files in LAN

Free Open Source:

Swiss File Knife

a command line
multi function tool.

remove tabs
list dir sizes
find text
filter lines
find in path
collect text
instant ftp or
http server
file transfer
send text
patch text
patch binary
run own cmd
convert crlf
dup file find
md5 lists
fromto clip
split files
list latest
compare dirs
save typing
trace http
echo colors
head & tail
dep. listing
find classes
speed shell
zip search
zip dir list

Depeche View
Source Research
First Steps

windows GUI

command line
file encryption

free external tools,
zero install effort,
usb stick compliant:

zip and unzip
diff and merge
reformat xml
reformat source

cpp sources

log tracing
mem tracing
using printf


stat. c array
stat. java array
var. c array
var. java array
view all text
as you type
surf over text
find by click
quick copy
multi view
find nearby
find by path
location jump
skip accents
clip match
filter lines
edit text
load filter
hotkey list
receive text
send in C++
send in Java
smooth scroll
touch scroll
fly wxWidgets
fly over Qt
search Java

Supersonic Text File Search - Free Download

instantly run a simple no-installation web server on the command line, to allow easy file transfer between any Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Raspberry Pi machine, with the free sfk httpserv command. Are you working on a machine without internet access, no shared network folders, unavailable USB ports, missing admin rights, and a thousand other reasons why it seems impossible to transfer a single file? then try the following on a second machine (the one from which you want to copy files).
  • Download the free Swiss File Knife Base from Sourceforge.
  • Open the Windows CMD command line, Mac OS X Terminal or Linux shell.
  • OS X : type mv sfk-mac-64.exe sfk and chmod +x sfk then ./sfk
  • Linux: type mv sfk-linux-64.exe sfk and chmod +x sfk then ./sfk. OS X and Linux syntax may differ, check the help within the tool.
sfk httpserv [-h[elp]] [-port=nport] [-rw]

The SFK Instant HTTP Server for easy file transfer.

default behaviour since sfk 1.9.8:
* the current folder AND SUB FOLDERS are made accessible.
  use option -nosub to disable.
* just ONE CLIENT (browser etc.) can connect at a time.

only for trusted environments!
  sfk httpserv is intended only for personal file transfer
  between two machines that the user has control of, within
  a trusted LAN environment. it should not be used to offer
  files in the internet. if security is important then do not
  use sfk httpserv but a full scale web server like Apache.

  -nosub       do not list folder names, allow no access
               to files in sub folders.
  -rw          allow write access with upload of files.
  -nolist      do not provide a content listing, but change
               any access to "/" into "index.html".
               includes -nosub to disable sub folder access.
  -deep        only after -nolist: allow access to files
               in sub folders, for html references.
  -port=n      use other port than default, e.g. -port=81.
  -port2=n     alternative port, used if first port fails.
               use -port2=0 to disable alternative port.
  -raw         send no http reply header, just raw content.
  -headers     show incoming request headers.
  -startdir x  set default subdir to redirect to if a client
               connects for the first time, requesting '/'.
  -rawctype    send content-type 'application/octet-stream'
               for every binary data, instead of detailed
               types like video/mp2t for .ts
  -style=f     set css file to extend server styles

about filename character encodings
  only filenames with characters of the system codepage
  are supported. for details type: sfk listcodes sys
  names with chars beyond that cannot be accessed.

see also
  sfk ftpserv -h    the SFK Instant FTP server.
  sfk wget          a web file download command.

examples: display a simple web page
  sfk webserv -nolist
     no file listings, load index.html if present.

examples: easy file down- and upload
  sfk webserv
     make current folder, and all sub folders, accessible
     for reading and downloading.
  sfk webserv -rw
     same as above, but also allow upload of files.
  sfk webserv -nosub
     do not show sub folders, do not allow access to files
     in sub folders. (sfk 1.9.7 default behaviour)


How to copy any file between Windows and Linux machines:

   If the target machine has ANY connection to a local network:

      -  on the source machine, where you have SFK already, type

         sfk httpserv -port=9090

         within the directory from which you want to transfer files.

      -  then, on the target machine, try to open a web browser
         and to access


         OR type

            wget http://othermachine:9090/yourfile

   If that fails (no browser, no gui, no wget command),
   check if there exists an "ftp" command on the target machine.
   If so, try:

   SFK Instant FTP Server for easy file exchange

      -  on another machine where you have SFK already, type

         sfk ftpserv

      -  then, on the target machine, type

            ftp othermachine

         and if the login succeeds, try

            get yourfile

      -  if ftp connections fail to work, check if the "ftp"
         client on the target accepts the command


         then try to "get" again (ftp creates a new connection
         per file download, which is often blocked by firewalls.
         the passive command changes the way in which those
         connections are created.)

How to get SFK up and running anywhere:

   Download the executables for Windows, Linux/lib6 or Linux/lib5

   By browser:


      then click on one of the top links to either download
      binaries instantly, or look further on sourceforge:



   On a Linux text console, use one of these:

      Instant binaries:

      -  wget       (Linux lib6)
      -  wget  (Linux lib5)

      Whole distribution package in a .zip (insert version for nnn):

      -  wget

      Make sure your system has the real Info-ZIP unzip command,
      in version 5.50 or higher (just type "unzip" to find out).
      If nothing is available, get one of these:

      -  wget
      -  wget


   Apple Macintosh and 64-bit Linux in general:

   -  there are no binary distributions so far, but you may compile
      the source code easily, even if you're no software developer.

      first, type "g++" to find out if a compiler exists on your system.
      if so, download the source code, contained in the, from

      then extract that by "unzip",
      and take a look into do-compile-unix.bat or type:

         Mac compile:

            g++ -DMAC_OS_X sfk.cpp patch.cpp inst.cpp -o sfk

         Linux 64-bit compile:

            g++ sfk.cpp patch.cpp inst.cpp -o sfk

How to prepare the SFK binary under Linux:

   -  after download, you have to type

         chmod +x sfk-linux.exe

      to enable execution (the 'x' flag) of sfk.
      Then simply type


      to get it running (the "./" is often needed as
      the PATH may not contain the current directory ".").               

Where to place the SFK executable:

   Recommendation for Windows:

      -  create a directory structure


         then rename sfknnn.exe to sfk.exe, and copy that to c:\app\bin .

         If you use the "sfk alias" command later, the created alias
         batch files will also be placed into "c:\app\bin".

      -  extend the Windows Shell Path

            set PATH=%PATH%;c:\app\bin

      -  make sure your Windows Shell supports command autocompletion
         and Copy/Paste of text (the QuickEdit and Insert setting),
         otherwise it is very hard to use! read more by typing

            sfk help shell

      -  further tools can be installed parallel to "bin" into c:\app

      This way you avoid the long, blank-character-contaminated,
      inefficient default paths like "C:\Program Files".

   Recommendation for Linux:

      -  type "cd" then "pwd" to find out what your account's
         home directory is.

      -  within your home directory (e.g. /home/users/youruserid/)
         create a directory "tools"

            mkdir tools

         then rename sfk-linux.exe to sfk, and copy that
         into the tools dir.

      -  extend the PATH like

            export PATH=$PATH:/home/users/youruserid/tools

      -  then you should be able to run sfk by typing "sfk".

      By default, there are no colors, as it is not possible
      to autodetect the background color under Linux.

      If you like colorful output, type "sfk help color"
      and read on how to set the "SFK_COLORS" variable
      (read it careful! if you set a wrong "def:" value,
       you may end up with white text on white background)
sfk httpserv [-h[elp]] [-port=nport] [-rw]

The SFK Instant HTTP Server for easy file 

default behaviour since sfk 1.9.8:
* the current folder AND SUB FOLDERS are 
made accessible. use option -nosub to
disable. * just ONE CLIENT (browser etc.)
can connect at a time.

only for trusted environments!
  sfk httpserv is intended only for 
personal file transfer between two
machines that the user has control of,
within a trusted LAN environment. it
should not be used to offer files in the
internet. if security is important then do
not use sfk httpserv but a full scale web
server like Apache.

  -nosub       do not list folder names, 
               allow no access to files in
               sub folders.
  -rw          allow write access with 
               upload of files.
  -nolist      do not provide a content 
               listing, but change any
               access to "/" into "index.
               html". includes -nosub to
               disable sub folder access.
  -deep        only after -nolist: allow 
               access to files in sub
               folders, for html references.
  -port=n      use other port than default, 
               e.g. -port=81.
  -port2=n     alternative port, used if 
               first port fails. use
               -port2=0 to disable
               alternative port.
  -raw         send no http reply header, 
               just raw content.
  -headers     show incoming request 
  -startdir x  set default subdir to 
               redirect to if a client
               connects for the first time,
               requesting '/'.
  -rawctype    send content-type 
               for every binary data,
               instead of detailed types
               like video/mp2t for .ts
  -style=f     set css file to extend 
               server styles

about filename character encodings
  only filenames with characters of the 
system codepage
  are supported. for details type: sfk 
listcodes sys
  names with chars beyond that cannot be 

see also
  sfk ftpserv -h    the SFK Instant FTP 
  sfk wget          a web file download 

examples: display a simple web page
  sfk webserv -nolist
     no file listings, load index.html if 

examples: easy file down- and upload
  sfk webserv
     make current folder, and all sub 
     folders, accessible for reading and
  sfk webserv -rw
     same as above, but also allow upload 
     of files.
  sfk webserv -nosub
     do not show sub folders, do not allow 
     access to files in sub folders. (sfk 1.
     9.7 default behaviour)


How to copy any file between Windows and 
Linux machines:

   If the target machine has ANY connection 
   to a local network:

      -  on the source machine, where you 
         have SFK already, type

         sfk httpserv -port=9090

         within the directory from which 
         you want to transfer files.

      -  then, on the target machine, try 
         to open a web browser and to


         OR type


   If that fails (no browser, no gui, no 
   wget command), check if there exists an
   "ftp" command on the target machine. If
   so, try:

   SFK Instant FTP Server for easy file 

      -  on another machine where you have 
         SFK already, type

         sfk ftpserv

      -  then, on the target machine, type

            ftp othermachine

         and if the login succeeds, try

            get yourfile

      -  if ftp connections fail to work, 
         check if the "ftp" client on the
         target accepts the command


         then try to "get" again (ftp 
         creates a new connection per file
         download, which is often blocked
         by firewalls. the passive command
         changes the way in which those
         connections are created.)

How to get SFK up and running anywhere:

   Download the executables for Windows, 
   Linux/lib6 or Linux/lib5

   By browser:


      then click on one of the top links to 
      either download binaries instantly,
      or look further on sourceforge:



   On a Linux text console, use one of 

      Instant binaries:

      -  wget
(Linux lib6)  - wget http:// (Linux

      Whole distribution package in a .zip 
      (insert version for nnn):

      -  wget

      Make sure your system has the real 
      Info-ZIP unzip command, in version 5.
      50 or higher (just type "unzip" to
      find out). If nothing is available,
      get one of these:

      -  wget
exe  - wget


   Apple Macintosh and 64-bit Linux in 

   -  there are no binary distributions so 
      far, but you may compile the source
      code easily, even if you're no
      software developer.

      first, type "g++" to find out if a 
      compiler exists on your system. if so,
      download the source code, contained
      in the, from

      then extract that by "unzip", and take a look into
      do-compile-unix.bat or type:

         Mac compile:

            g++ -DMAC_OS_X sfk.cpp 
                 patch.cpp inst.cpp -o sfk

         Linux 64-bit compile:

            g++ sfk.cpp patch.cpp inst.cpp 
            -o sfk

How to prepare the SFK binary under Linux:

   -  after download, you have to type

         chmod +x sfk-linux.exe

      to enable execution (the 'x' flag) of 
      sfk. Then simply type


      to get it running (the "./" is often 
      needed as the PATH may not contain
      the current directory ".").

Where to place the SFK executable: Recommendation for Windows: - create a directory structure c:\app\bin then rename sfknnn.exe to sfk.exe, and copy that to c:\app\bin . If you use the "sfk alias" command later, the created alias batch files will also be placed into "c:\ app\bin". - extend the Windows Shell Path set PATH=%PATH%;c:\app\bin - make sure your Windows Shell supports command autocompletion and Copy/Paste of text (the QuickEdit and Insert setting), otherwise it is very hard to use! read more by typing sfk help shell - further tools can be installed parallel to "bin" into c:\app This way you avoid the long, blank-character-contaminated, inefficient default paths like "C:\ Program Files". Recommendation for Linux: - type "cd" then "pwd" to find out what your account's home directory is. - within your home directory (e.g. /home/users/youruserid/) create a directory "tools" mkdir tools then rename sfk-linux.exe to sfk, and copy that into the tools dir. - extend the PATH like export PATH=$PATH:/home/users/youruserid/tools - then you should be able to run sfk by typing "sfk". By default, there are no colors, as it is not possible to autodetect the background color under Linux. If you like colorful output, type "sfk help color" and read on how to set the "SFK_COLORS" variable (read it careful! if you set a wrong "def:" value, you may end up with white text on white background)

you are viewing this page in mobile portrait mode with a limited layout. turn your device right, use a desktop browser or buy the sfk e-book for improved reading.

sfk is a free open-source tool, running instantly without installation efforts. no DLL's, no registry changes - just get sfk.exe from the zip package and use it (binaries for windows, linux and mac are included).


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