How to do things
AI Noob vs. Pro

List biggest files
List newest files
Show subdir sizes
Search in files
Replace word in files
List dir differences
Send files in LAN

Free Open Source:

Swiss File Knife

a command line
multi function tool.

remove tabs
list dir sizes
find text
filter lines
find in path
collect text
instant ftp or
http server
file transfer
send text
patch text
patch binary
run own cmd
convert crlf
dup file find
md5 lists
fromto clip
split files
list latest
compare dirs
save typing
trace http
echo colors
head & tail
dep. listing
find classes
speed shell
zip search
zip dir list

Depeche View
Source Research
First Steps

windows GUI

command line
file encryption

free external tools,
zero install effort,
usb stick compliant:

zip and unzip
diff and merge
reformat xml
reformat source

cpp sources

log tracing
mem tracing
using printf


stat. c array
stat. java array
var. c array
var. java array
view all text
as you type
surf over text
find by click
quick copy
multi view
find nearby
find by path
location jump
skip accents
clip match
filter lines
edit text
load filter
hotkey list
receive text
send in C++
send in Java
smooth scroll
touch scroll
fly wxWidgets
fly over Qt
search Java

StahlWorks Open BCrypt

Fully portable command line file encryption.

Note: this tool has nothing to do with the Linux bcrypt utility.

It's a completely independent development, written during my time at the internet banking company Brokat Infosystems in 1999.

The goal was to provide a fully portable command line tool that does secure single file en/decryption on every operating system with good security. Open bcrypt uses RC4 and, most important, dynamic passphrase stretching which converts a passphrase to a long hash in as many cycles as possible within 500 milliseconds.


Last update is version 1.7.2 of Jun-2023, with support for files > 2 gb.