How to do things
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Replace word in files
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Free Open Source:

Swiss File Knife

a command line
multi function tool.

remove tabs
list dir sizes
find text
filter lines
find in path
collect text
instant ftp or
http server
file transfer
send text
patch text
patch binary
run own cmd
convert crlf
dup file find
md5 lists
fromto clip
split files
list latest
compare dirs
save typing
trace http
echo colors
head & tail
dep. listing
find classes
speed shell
zip search
zip dir list

Depeche View
Source Research
First Steps

windows GUI

command line
file encryption

free external tools,
zero install effort,
usb stick compliant:

zip and unzip
diff and merge
reformat xml
reformat source

cpp sources

log tracing
mem tracing
using printf


stat. c array
stat. java array
var. c array
var. java array
view all text
as you type
surf over text
find by click
quick copy
multi view
find nearby
find by path
location jump
skip accents
clip match
filter lines
edit text
load filter
hotkey list
receive text
send in C++
send in Java
smooth scroll
touch scroll
fly wxWidgets
fly over Qt
search Java

about locale specific characters within Swiss File Knife on the Windows command line.
  • Download the free Swiss File Knife Base from Sourceforge.
  • Open the Windows CMD command line, Mac OS X Terminal or Linux shell.
  • OS X : type mv sfk-mac-64.exe sfk and chmod +x sfk then ./sfk
  • Linux: type mv sfk-linux-64.exe sfk and chmod +x sfk then ./sfk. OS X and Linux syntax may differ, check the help within the tool.
characters and codepages with SFK for Windows:

SFK uses 8-bit character codes with a possible
range of 255 different characters. see: sfk ascii

character codes 32-126, or hexadecimal 0x20-0x7E,
are 7-bit ASCII characters. within SFK they are
called "Low Codes", or LoCodes. as long as you
use only a-z A-Z 0-9 !"#$%&_ etc. you use LoCodes,
which will work the same on every computer in the
world, and you can ignore code pages.
but as soon as you want to use accent characters,
umlauts, cyrillic, greek etc. you need HiCodes
in the range 0x80-0xFF. these are dependent on the
codepages of your Windows system, and you can only
use chars of your own language, plus English.

your Windows CMD.EXE command line uses two codepages:

1. ANSI codepage for data processing.
   every text within SFK is encoded in this codepage.
   Most text editor programs like Notepad will
   use this codepage by default.
2. Dos/OEM codepage for input and display.
   what you type on your keyboard is encoded in 850.
   the CMD.EXE terminal can only display HiCodes in
   this codepage correctly.

HiCode conversions step by step:

-  when you run sfk, and pass parameters, these are
   converted from OEM to Ansi and then given to sfk.
   so sfk gets only Ansi encoded parameters.

-  within SFK all data processing is done with Ansi,
   e.g. filter ... +xed ... will pass Ansi text.

-  when printing text to terminal, SFK converts it
   from Ansi to OEM for output. otherwise HiCodes
   would all look wrong, as the terminal needs OEM.

-  when writing text output to file, like
      filter ... >out.txt
      filter ... +tofile out.txt
   it is written as Ansi, without any conversion.
   you can then open out.txt with the Notepad
   or Depeche View, which expect Ansi text,
   and HiChars will display correctly.

Beware of HiCodes within batch files.
-  if you run SFK interactively like:
      sfk filter in.txt -+myword
   and myword contains HiCodes, you type them
   all as OEM chars, and it works.
-  if you create a batch file with Windows Notepad,
   and therein type
      sfk filter in.txt -+myword
   and myword contains HiCodes, you will find that
   filter no longer finds the word.
   Because Notepad created an Ansi encoded text file,
   so the "myword" chars are Ansi encoded.

   what happens?
   -  CMD.EXE still thinks "myword" is OEM,
      and incorrectly "converts" it to Ansi,
      which actually breaks all HiCode chars.
   -  sfk.exe then gets myword with completely
      wrong encoding, and the search fails.

   how to fix this:
   -  write your .bat files with OEM encoding.
      this can be done with Notepad++:
      -  create a new file mytest.bat
      -  select: Encoding / Character Set / your area,
         then select your OEM codepage.
      -  now type sfk commands into the batch file,
         and save it.
   -  side effect: if you create sfk scripts
      embedded in such a batch file, like:
         sfk batch mytest2.bat
      searches therein will fail again if this
      is OEM encoded. because by default "sfk script"
      wants to load Ansi text. to fix this use
      option -dos like: sfk script -dos ...

What is not possible?
SFK cannot process any text outside your Ansi codepage.

for example, if a computer uses Western Europe
codepage 1252, it is possible to search German umlauts
and some French accent characters. but it is impossible
to search and filter cyrillic text (encoded in 1251),
and it will even be impossible to type cyrillic chars
in the first place, as the keyboard has no such keys.

see also:
   sfk help nocase   about case insensitive search
   sfk help unicode  unicode to Ansi conversion

characters and codepages with SFK for 

SFK uses 8-bit character codes with a 
range of 255 different characters. see: 
sfk ascii

character codes 32-126, or hexadecimal 
0x20-0x7E, are 7-bit ASCII characters.
within SFK they are
called "Low Codes", or LoCodes. as long 
as you
use only a-z A-Z 0-9 !"#$%&_ etc. you 
use LoCodes,
which will work the same on every computer 
in the
world, and you can ignore code pages.
but as soon as you want to use accent 
umlauts, cyrillic, greek etc. you need 
in the range 0x80-0xFF. these are dependent 
on the codepages of your Windows system,
and you can only
use chars of your own language, plus 

your Windows CMD.EXE command line uses two 

1. ANSI codepage for data processing.
   every text within SFK is encoded in this 
   codepage. Most text editor programs like
   Notepad will use this codepage by
2. Dos/OEM codepage for input and display.
   what you type on your keyboard is 
   encoded in 850. the CMD.EXE terminal can
   only display HiCodes in this codepage

HiCode conversions step by step:

-  when you run sfk, and pass parameters, 
   these are converted from OEM to Ansi
   and then given to sfk. so sfk gets only
   Ansi encoded parameters.

-  within SFK all data processing is done 
   with Ansi, e.g. filter ... +xed ...
   will pass Ansi text.

-  when printing text to terminal, SFK 
 converts it
   from Ansi to OEM for output. otherwise 
   would all look wrong, as the terminal 
   needs OEM.

-  when writing text output to file, like
      filter ... >out.txt
      filter ... +tofile out.txt
   it is written as Ansi, without any 
   you can then open out.txt with the 
   Notepad or Depeche View, which expect
   Ansi text, and HiChars will display

Beware of HiCodes within batch files.
-  if you run SFK interactively like:
      sfk filter in.txt -+myword
   and myword contains HiCodes, you 
   type them all as OEM chars, and it works.
-  if you create a batch file with Windows 
   Notepad, and therein type
      sfk filter in.txt -+myword
   and myword contains HiCodes, you will 
   find that filter no longer finds the
   word. Because Notepad created an Ansi
   encoded text file, so the "myword" chars
   are Ansi encoded.

   what happens?
   -  CMD.EXE still thinks "myword" is OEM,
      and incorrectly "converts" it to Ansi,
      which actually breaks all HiCode 
   -  sfk.exe then gets myword with 
      completely wrong encoding, and the
      search fails.

   how to fix this:
   -  write your .bat files with OEM 
      encoding. this can be done with
      Notepad++: - create a new file
      mytest.bat - select: Encoding /
      Character Set / your area,
         then select your OEM codepage.
      -  now type sfk commands into the 
         batch file, and save it.
   -  side effect: if you create sfk scripts
      embedded in such a batch file, like:
         sfk batch mytest2.bat
      searches therein will fail again 
      if this is OEM encoded. because by
      default "sfk script" wants to load
      Ansi text. to fix this use option
      -dos like: sfk script -dos ...

What is not possible?
SFK cannot process any text outside your 
Ansi codepage.

for example, if a computer uses Western 
Europe codepage 1252, it is possible to
search German umlauts and some French
accent characters. but it is impossible to
search and filter cyrillic text (encoded in
1251), and it will even be impossible to
type cyrillic chars in the first place, as
the keyboard has no such keys.

see also: sfk help nocase about case insensitive search sfk help unicode unicode to Ansi conversion

you are viewing this page in mobile portrait mode with a limited layout. turn your device right, use a desktop browser or buy the sfk e-book for improved reading.

sfk is a free open-source tool, running instantly without installation efforts. no DLL's, no registry changes - just get sfk.exe from the zip package and use it (binaries for windows, linux and mac are included).


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