How to do things
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List biggest files
List newest files
Show subdir sizes
Search in files
Replace word in files
List dir differences
Send files in LAN

Free Open Source:

Swiss File Knife

a command line
multi function tool.

remove tabs
list dir sizes
find text
filter lines
find in path
collect text
instant ftp or
http server
file transfer
send text
patch text
patch binary
run own cmd
convert crlf
dup file find
md5 lists
fromto clip
split files
list latest
compare dirs
save typing
trace http
echo colors
head & tail
dep. listing
find classes
speed shell
zip search
zip dir list

Depeche View
Source Research
First Steps

windows GUI

command line
file encryption

free external tools,
zero install effort,
usb stick compliant:

zip and unzip
diff and merge
reformat xml
reformat source

cpp sources

log tracing
mem tracing
using printf


stat. c array
stat. java array
var. c array
var. java array
view all text
as you type
surf over text
find by click
quick copy
multi view
find nearby
find by path
location jump
skip accents
clip match
filter lines
edit text
load filter
hotkey list
receive text
send in C++
send in Java
smooth scroll
touch scroll
fly wxWidgets
fly over Qt
search Java

Supersonic Text File Search - Free Download

Filter a text stream using wildcards and simple SFK expressions with the free Swiss File Knife for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
  • Download the free Swiss File Knife Base from Sourceforge.
  • Open the Windows CMD command line, Mac OS X Terminal or Linux shell.
  • OS X : type mv sfk-mac-64.exe sfk and chmod +x sfk then ./sfk
  • Linux: type mv sfk-linux-64.exe sfk and chmod +x sfk then ./sfk. OS X and Linux syntax may differ, check the help within the tool.
sfk ... +xex /from/ [/from2/]

a stream text filter using SFK Simple Expressions.

- takes text stream input from a previous command
  or a single file.
- joins all lines into one large block that can be
  searched in complete.
- splits output again into lines for further use,
  or passes output as binary to +xed

xed/xex is designed to post process small to medium sized
data streams or files. it is not suitable to edit large files
beyond 100 MB, as the whole content must fit into memory
multiple times. use "sfk xreplace" to process large files.

wildcards and SFK expressions
   SFK Expressions are simple patterns containing literal text,
   wildcards * and ? and character classes in square brackets [].
   basically, the syntax provides extended wilcards but no
   further logic and is not related to regular expressions.

   search patterns are surrounded by a separator character which
   can be anything not contained in the search text, like / or _

   within a pattern /fromtext/totext/ the fromtext may contain:

     *                       - 0 to 4000 characters in the same
                               text line or paragraph, i.e. all
                               bytes not being CR, LF or NULL.
                               4000 is just a default maximum
                               that can be changed by:
     [0.100000 chars]        - 0 to 100000 characters in the same
                               text line or paragraph, i.e. the
                               same as * but with a larger range.
     ?                       - one character.
     ?????                   - same as [5.5 chars] or [5 chars]
     [bytes]                 - 0 to 4000 bytes (with CR,LF,NULL)
                               i.e. it collects stream text
                               across lines, even in binary data
     **                      - the same as [bytes].
     [0.100 bytes]           - 0 to 100 bytes
     [.100000 bytes]         - up to 100000 bytes
     [1.* bytes]             - 1 to default maximum bytes
     [2 chars]               - exactly 2 chars
     [30 bytes]              - exactly 30 bytes
     [byte of aeiou]         - one vocal (a OR A OR e OR ...),
                               case insensitive by default.
                               "aeiou" is a character list.
     [byte of \\\x2f]        - a backslash \ or forw. slash /
     [bytes of \r\n \t]      - whitespace incl. line ends
     [bytes of (\r\n \t)]    - the same, () are optional
     [bytes not \r\n\0]      - up to 4000 bytes as long as no
                               CR, LF or NULL byte appears
     [chars]                 - the same as [bytes not \r\n\0],
                               i.e. collect text in a line
     [char not ( \t)]        - same as [byte not ( \r\n\0\t)],
                               everything not blanks and tabs
     [char not )( \t]        - not brackets, blanks and tabs,
                               same as not (\(\) \t)
     [chars of a-z0-9]       - means a-zA-Z0-9 as search is
                               case insensitive by default
     [chars of \x61-\x7A]    - search a-z but not A-Z, or use
                               option -case for case search
     [eol]                   - end of line by characters:
                               CRLF or LF or CR

     [white]     = chars of (\t )     - 0 or more whitespaces
     [xwhite]    = bytes of (\t \r\n) - same but across lines
     [1 white]   = byte  of (\t )     - 1 whitespace
     [digit]     = byte  of (0-9)     - 1 digit
     [digits]    = bytes of (0-9)     - 0 or more digits
     [hexdigit]  = byte  of (0-9a-f)  - 1 hexadecimal digit
     [hexdigits]  = bytes of (0-9a-f) - 0 or more hex digits

     special keywords that do not count as tokens:
     [skip]   - at the start of a pattern: skip such text
                completely, do not count it as a search hit.
     [keep]   - search also the following text but keep it
                in the input data, without consuming it.
     [ortext] - foo[ortext]bar searches word foo or bar.
                [ortext] is allowed only between literals.

     anchors that have no length of their own:
     [start]  - start of file
     [end]    - end of file
     [lstart] - line start, i.e. start or CRLF or CR or LF
     [lend]   - logical line end, i.e. eol or end of file.
                to replace line ends use [eol] instead.

     how to search or replace special characters:
     -  to search or replace text containing the literal characters
        * ? \ [ ] then these must be escaped like \* \? \\ \[ \]
     -  ( ) are escaped only within character lists, like \( \)
     -  to search or replace the forward slash '/' type \x2f or use
        another char around from/to text, e.g. _fromtext_totext_
     -  parameters with blanks and non trivial characters need double
        quotes "", see also "about Shell Command Characters" below.

     expansion priorities: (highest first)
     if two search parts are side by side, and the same input
     character matches both, then these priorities apply:

       5:  start, end, lstart, lend
       4:  literal text, eol
       3:  whitelist classes: byte of, bytes of
       2:  blacklist classes: chars not, bytes not
       1:  plain wildcards: ?, *, **, byte, bytes, chars

     this means in "/[bytes]foo/" the [bytes] will stop to collect
     characters as soon as "foo" is found, as "foo" is a literal.
     on same or higher priority the right side stops the left side.

     avoid overlapping character groups. for example, [chars][white]
     cannot work, as space and tab are part of chars. to fix this
     extend chars by relevant exclusions: [chars not ( \t)][white]

   the totext may contain:

     [part 1]            use first text part of the fromtext.
                         e.g. the fromtext /*foo[.100 chars]bar*/
                         contains parts :   1 2         3    4 5
     [part1]             the same (blank is optional).
     [parts 1,2,3]       use parts 1, 2 and 3.
     [parts 1-10]        use parts 1 to 10.
     [strip(part1,\0)]   use part 1 but remove zero bytes.
                         only zero bytes "\0" can be removed.
     []         full input filename with path
     [file.relname]      input filename without path
     [file.path]         input file's path
     [file.base]         relname without last .extension
     [file.ext]          input filename extension
     [all]               use all parts from fromtext.

     [setvar name]...[endvar]   set variable "name" with data
                                between setvar and endvar.
     [getvar name]              fill in data from variable "name"

     although anchors like lstart, lend count as a separate part
     they need NOT be specified in the totext. this means that
     /[lstart]foo[lend]/bar/ just changes the word "foo".

supported slash patterns
   \t    = TAB
   \r    = CR
   \n    = LF
   \x00  = one byte with code 00 hexadecimal
   \0    = short form for \x00
   \q    = a double quote "
   \\    = the backslash character \ itself
   \[    = the bracket open character [
   \]    = the bracket close character ]
   \*    = the literal star character *
   \?    = the literal question mark  ?
   \-    = to use literal "-" in a command
   Within multi line -bylist files:
   \     = slash+blank is changed to a single blank
   Only within "char of" or "byte not" lists:
   \(    = to use literal character "("
   \)    = to use literal character ")"

SFK expression options
   -showpart(s)  print /from/ part numbers, range statistics
                 and expansion priority points per part.
                 done automatically if a required /to/ text
                 is not given with a command.
   -showbest     if a /from/ pattern finds nothing, use this to
                 see how many parts would match so far, and with
                 up to how many bytes per part. anchors like [lstart]
                 may show a non zero length when matching (CR)LF.
   -showlist     with -bylist, show the internal joined list if
                 commands are spread across multiple lines.
   -showall      show all of the above.
   -xmaxlen=n    set default maximum length for chars or bytes commands,
                 e.g. -xmaxlen=10000 means /foo*bar/ matches with up to
                 10000 characters between foo and bar. the default max
                 length without this option is 4000 characters.

performance notes
 - always use a string literal, or single byte or char, at the start
   of your search expressions, like in /foo*bar/ starting with 'f'.
   Do not use a wildcard like * at the start like in /*foobar/
   when searching huge input data, as your search will slow down by
   factor 256. Use /[lstart]*foobar/ instead.
 - the system may cache output file(s), writing to disk in background
   after sfk has finished. subsequent batch commands may execute slower.

   -case        compare case sensitive, default is nocase.
                for further options see: sfk help nocase
   -bylist x    read /from/to/ patterns from a file x,
                supporting multiple lines per pattern.
                for details type: sfk rep -full
   -bylinelist x  read /from/to/ or just /from/ patterns
                from a file with one pattern per line.
                best for searching many phrases with
                simple or no output reformatting.
   -i           process text stream from standard input
   -tolines     force output as text lines. use this
                if you get unexpected hex data.
   -nomark      do not highlight changes in output
   -nocol       no colors at all to allow more memory
   -write       if input filename is given, rewrite file
                with the changed data. produces an empty
                file if search patterns are not found.
   -tofile f    write output to file f. do not use +tofile
                chaining as it splits data into text lines.
   -rawterm     on output to terminal do not strip codes
                below 32. Null bytes are always stripped.
   -dump[raw]   create hex dump [raw = w/o eol highlight]
   -crlf, -lf   for file headers and default totext: force
                crlf or lf line endings instead of default
   -justrc      print no output, just set return code.
   -firsthit    use only first matching result.

chaining I/O support
   extract ... +xed   supports binary data transfer.
   xed ... +xed       supports binary data transfer.
   In all other cases like xed ... +filter data is passed
   as text lines without zero bytes and up to 4000 chars
   per line. Binary transfer needs four times free memory
   available then the actual number of bytes passed.

unexpected hex data with xed chaining
   if you use xed and get an unexpected hex output
   like 746573746... it means a following command
   cannot handle stream data. use option -tolines then.

unexpected line breaks with +tofile
   happen if lines are longer then 4096 chars.
      use -tofile instead.
   happen if data contains carriage return chars.
      add "/\r//" to remove them.

see also
   sfk swap     change single line character order

web access support
   extracting the head section from a web page can be done like:
   sfk xex "_<head>**</head>_"
   sfk xex http://.100/ "_<head>**</head>_"
   sfk web .100 +xex "_<head>**</head>_"

archive file reading
   xed may directly read archive file entries like\\sub1.bz2\\sub2.tar.gz. for details and
   limitations type "sfk help xe".

beware of Shell Command Characters.
   to find or replace text patterns containing spaces or special
   characters like <>|!&?* you must add quotes "" around parameters
   or the shell environment will destroy your command. for example,
   pattern /foo bar/other/ must be written like "/foo bar/other/"
   within a .bat or .cmd file the percent % must be escaped like %%
   even within quotes: sfk echo -spat "percent %% is a percent \x25"

unexpected repeat replace behaviour
   depending on the input data and search/replace expressions,
   it can happen that running the same replace multiple times
   on the same stream produces further hits that didn't exist
   in the first run. read the sfk replace extended help text
   by "sfk replace -full" for details.

quoted multi line parameters are supported in scripts
   using full trim. type "sfk script" for details.

return codes for batch files
   0 = no matches, 1 = matches found, >1 = major error occurred.
   see also "sfk help opt" on how to influence error processing.

about example numbers with [brackets]
   if you see [1] type "sfk cmd 1" for whole command in one line.

web reference

more in the SFK Book
   the SFK Book contains a 60 page tutorial, including
   detailed xed examples with input, script and output.
   type "sfk book" for details.

   Note: also see "sfk xed" for further examples.
   sfk xex in.txt "_foo*bar_[part2]\n_"
      extract any text found within the same line between
      foo and bar, using "_" as separator character instead
      of "/". you may leave out the third "_" to get
      an info text listing part numbers.
   sfk xex in.txt "_\qfoo\q[.100 bytes]\qbar\q_[all]\n_"
      extract any text starting with "foo" enclosed by double
      quotes, then having up to 100 bytes (including CR or LF,
      i.e. across multiple text lines), then ending with bar
      enclosed by double quotes, and print all parts.
   sfk xex in.cpp "/printf([bytes]);/[all]\n/"
    +xed "/);[eol]/[all]/" "/[eol][.100 bytes of \x20]/ /"
      collect all (multi line) printf statements from a text
      and reformat them as one statement per line. notice
      that "/);[eol]/[all]/" is a cover pattern, meaning
      it does not change anything, but keeps line endings
      after ");" from being changed by other patterns. [1]
   sfk xex in.xml "_<row>[xwhite]<artist>*</[bytes]<album>*</
      if in.xml contains simple xml data like:
      then reformat this to tab separated csv data. [2]
   sfk xex in.csv "_[lstart]*\t*\t*_<row>\n <artist>[part2]
    </artist>\n <album>[part4]</album>\n <track>[part6]</track>\n
      if in.csv contains tab separated data like:
      then reformat this to xml data. [3]
   dir | sfk xex -i -bylist dirtags.txt
      reformat windows 'dir' command output like:
        05.12.2013  19:17  <DIR>      myproj
        28.01.2010  22:08         197 readme.txt
      using a bylist file dirtags.txt like:
        /DIR : [part13]\n/.
        /??.??.????[white]??:??[white][digit][* not ( )][white]*
        /file: [part14]\n/.
      producing output:
        DIR : myproj
        file: readme.txt
   sfk xex in.hpp "/bool[xwhite]bCl*;/" "/int[xwhite]iCl*;/"
      extract variable declarations like "bool bClDone;"
      or "int iClCounter;" from source code, including
      statements across multiple lines.
   sfk xex in.html "_<head>**</head>_"
      extract head section from an html. notice that "_" is
      used as the separator, as "/" is part of the text.
   sfk xex in.txt "/[lstart][4 chars][15 chars][15 chars]*/
    +xed "/[white][char of (\t\r\n)]/[part2]/" +tabtocsv
      extract from fixed column data like below: [4]
         7936JAMES FOO      ATLANTA        20140129
      the first three columns as comma separated data like
         7936,JAMES FOO,ATLANTA
   sfk xex\\sub1.tar.bz2\\sub2.tar.gz\\Trace.hpp "/class*/"
      XE: extract phrases starting with "class" from a
          .tar.gz within a .tar.bz2 within a .zip file.
      XD: demo reads first 1000 bytes from sub2.tar.gz
   sfk xex in.txt "/rel: [02 digits].[02 digits].[04 digits]
    /[setvar date][parts 2,3,4,5,6][endvar]/" +getvar
      searches a phrase like "rel: 03.09.2016" within in.txt
      and stores it as an sfk variable "date". the +getvar
      prints all defined variables with their content. [7]
   sfk xex in.xml "_<zone>**<id>*</id>_[part"
      type this incomplete command to get part number infos.
      then complete the command like:
   sfk xex in.xml "_<zone>**<id>*</id>_[part4]\n_" +filt -line=3
    +setvar zoneid +echo -var ".100/start.php?zone=#(zoneid)"
      from an xml file like
      get the 3rd id and create an http URL using echo.
      add +tweb to execute the web request. [9]
   sfk xex foo.h +setvar a +then xed bar.c
    "/[lstart]#include \qfoo.h\q*[eol]/[getvar a]/"
      replace a text line: #include "foo.h"
      within file bar.c by the file content of foo.h
   sfk -var setvar a="foo bar" +echo -pure "#(a)"
    +xex -justrc "_foo_" +if "rc=1" tell "got foo"
      check if variable a contains 'foo' by xex.
      can be extended to check for multiple, flexible
      expression patterns in parallel.
   sfk -var setvar a="foo bar"
    +if "#(contains(a,'foo')) = 1" tell "got foo"
      check if variable a contains 'foo' directly.
      fast but only one static text pattern.
      for details, type: sfk help var
   sfk xex in.xml "/[skip]<[chars not >]>/" /work/
      search 'work' in text data of in.xml but
      not in tag names like <workbook>
   sfk echo aabbccdd +xed "/[2 chars][2 chars]
    [2 chars][2 chars]/[parts 4,3,2,1]/"
      produces ddccbbaa, i.e. it swaps 4 blocks of
      2 chars each. (little endian conversion)
sfk ... +xex /from/ [/from2/]

a stream text filter using SFK Simple 

- takes text stream input from a previous 
  command or a single file.
- joins all lines into one large block that 
  can be searched in complete.
- splits output again into lines for 
  further use, or passes output as binary
  to +xed

xed/xex is designed to post process small 
to medium sized data streams or files. it
is not suitable to edit large files beyond
100 MB, as the whole content must fit into
memory multiple times. use "sfk xreplace"
to process large files.

wildcards and SFK expressions
   SFK Expressions are simple patterns 
   containing literal text, wildcards * and
   ? and character classes in square
   brackets []. basically, the syntax
   provides extended wilcards but no
   further logic and is not related to
   regular expressions.

   search patterns are surrounded by a 
   separator character which can be
   anything not contained in the search
   text, like / or _

within a pattern /fromtext/totext/ the 
fromtext may contain:

     0 to 4000 characters in the same text 
     line or paragraph, i.e. all bytes not
     being CR, LF or NULL. 4000 is just a
     default maximum that can be changed
  [0.100000 chars]
     0 to 100000 characters in the same 
     text line or paragraph, i.e. the same
     as * but with a larger range.
     one character. 
     same as [5.5 chars] or [5 chars] 
     0 to 4000 bytes (with CR,LF,NULL) i.e. 
     it collects stream text across lines,
     even in binary data
     the same as [bytes]. 
  [0.100 bytes]
     0 to 100 bytes 
  [.100000 bytes]
     up to 100000 bytes 
  [1.* bytes]
     1 to default maximum bytes 
  [2 chars]
     exactly 2 chars 
  [30 bytes]
     exactly 30 bytes 
  [byte of aeiou]
     one vocal (a OR A OR e OR ...), case 
     insensitive by default. "aeiou" is a
     character list.
  [byte of \\\x2f]
     a backslash \ or forw. slash / 
  [bytes of \r\n \t]
     whitespace incl. line ends 
  [bytes of (\r\n \t)]
     the same, () are optional 
  [bytes not \r\n\0]
     up to 4000 bytes as long as no CR, LF 
     or NULL byte appears
     the same as [bytes not \r\n\0], i.e. 
   collect text in a line
  [char not ( \t)]
     same as [byte not ( \r\n\0\t)], 
   everything not blanks and tabs
  [char not )( \t]
     not brackets, blanks and tabs, same as 
     not (\(\) \t)
  [chars of a-z0-9]
     means a-zA-Z0-9 as search is case 
     insensitive by default
  [chars of \x61-\x7A]
     search a-z but not A-Z, or use option 
     -case for case search
     end of line by characters: CRLF or LF 
     or CR

     chars of (\t )     - 0 or more 
     bytes of (\t \r\n) - same but across 
  [1 white]
     byte  of (\t )     - 1 whitespace 
     byte  of (0-9)     - 1 digit 
     bytes of (0-9)     - 0 or more digits 
     byte  of (0-9a-f)  - 1 hexadecimal 
     bytes of (0-9a-f) - 0 or more hex 

  special keywords that do not count as 
     at the start of a pattern: skip such 
     text completely, do not count it as a
     search hit.
     search also the following text but 
     keep it in the input data, without
     consuming it.
     foo[ortext]bar searches word foo or 
     bar. [ortext] is allowed only between

  anchors that have no length of their own:
     start of file 
     end of file 
     line start, i.e. start or CRLF or CR 
     or LF
     logical line end, i.e. eol or end of 
     file. to replace line ends use [eol]

  how to search or replace special 
  -  to search or replace text containing 
     the literal characters * ? \ [ ]
     then these must be escaped like \* \?
     \\ \[ \]
  -  ( ) are escaped only within 
     character lists, like \( \)
  -  to search or replace the forward 
     slash '/' type \x2f or use another
     char around from/to text, e.g.
  -  parameters with blanks and non 
     trivial characters need double quotes
     "", see also "about Shell Command
     Characters" below.

  expansion priorities: (highest first)
  if two search parts are side by side, and 
the same input character matches both,
then these priorities

    5:  start, end, lstart, lend
    4:  literal text, eol
    3:  whitelist classes: byte of, bytes of
    2:  blacklist classes: chars not, 
        bytes not
    1:  plain wildcards: ?, *, **, byte, 
                         bytes, chars

  this means in "/[bytes]foo/" the [bytes] 
will stop to collect characters as soon
as "foo" is found, as "foo" is a literal.
on same or higher priority the right side
stops the left side.

  avoid overlapping character groups. for 
example, [chars][white]
  cannot work, as space and tab are part of 
chars. to fix this
  extend chars by relevant exclusions: 
[chars not ( \t)][white]

the totext may contain:

  [part 1]
     use first text part of the fromtext. 
                      e.g. the fromtext 
                      chars]bar*/ contains
                      parts :  1 2
                      3 4 5
     the same (blank is optional). 
  [parts 1,2,3]
     use parts 1, 2 and 3. 
  [parts 1-10]
     use parts 1 to 10. 
     use part 1 but remove zero bytes. 
                      only zero bytes "\0" 
                      can be removed.
     full input filename with path 
     input filename without path 
     input file's path 
     relname without last .extension 
     input filename extension 
     use all parts from fromtext. 

  [setvar name]...[endvar]
     set variable "name" with data 
                             between setvar 
                             and endvar.
  [getvar name]
     fill in data from variable "name" 

  although anchors like lstart, lend count 
as a separate part they need NOT be
specified in the totext. this means that /
[lstart]foo[lend]/bar/ just changes the
word "foo".

supported slash patterns
   \t    = TAB
   \r    = CR
   \n    = LF
   \x00  = one byte with code 00 
   \0    = short form for \x00
   \q    = a double quote "
   \\    = the backslash character \ 
   \[    = the bracket open character [
   \]    = the bracket close character ]
   \*    = the literal star character *
   \?    = the literal question mark  ?
   \-    = to use literal "-" in a command
   Within multi line -bylist files:
   \     = slash+blank is changed to a 
         single blank
   Only within "char of" or "byte not" 
   lists: \( = to use literal
   character "(" \) = to use literal
   character ")"

SFK expression options
   -showpart(s)  print /from/ part numbers, 
                 range statistics and
                 expansion priority points
                 per part. done
                 automatically if a
                 required /to/ text is not
                 given with a command.
   -showbest     if a /from/ pattern finds 
                 nothing, use this to see
                 how many parts would match
                 so far, and with up to how
                 many bytes per part.
                 anchors like [lstart] may
                 show a non zero length
                 when matching (CR)LF.
   -showlist     with -bylist, show the 
                       internal joined list
                 commands are spread across 
                 multiple lines.
   -showall      show all of the above.
   -xmaxlen=n    set default maximum length 
                 for chars or bytes
                 commands, e.g.
                 -xmaxlen=10000 means /
                 foo*bar/ matches with up
                 to 10000 characters
                 between foo and bar. the
                 default max length without
                 this option is 4000

performance notes
 - always use a string literal, or single 
   byte or char, at the start of your
   search expressions, like in /foo*bar/
   starting with 'f'. Do not use a
   wildcard like * at the start like in /
   *foobar/ when searching huge input data,
   as your search will slow down by
   factor 256. Use /[lstart]*foobar/
 - the system may cache output file(s), 
   writing to disk in background after sfk
   has finished. subsequent batch commands
   may execute slower.

   -case        compare case sensitive, 
                default is nocase. for
                further options see: sfk
                help nocase
   -bylist x    read /from/to/ patterns 
                from a file x, supporting
                multiple lines per pattern.
                for details type: sfk rep
   -bylinelist x  read /from/to/ or just 
                  /from/ patterns
                from a file with one 
                pattern per line. best for
                searching many phrases with
                simple or no output
   -i           process text stream from 
                standard input
   -tolines     force output as text lines. 
                use this if you get
                unexpected hex data.
   -nomark      do not highlight changes in 
   -nocol       no colors at all to allow 
                more memory
   -write       if input filename is given, 
                rewrite file with the
                changed data. produces an
                empty file if search
                patterns are not found.
   -tofile f    write output to file f. do 
                not use +tofile chaining as
                it splits data into text
   -rawterm     on output to terminal do 
                not strip codes below 32.
                Null bytes are always
   -dump[raw]   create hex dump [raw = w/o 
                eol highlight]
   -crlf, -lf   for file headers and 
                default totext: force crlf
                or lf line endings instead
                of default
   -justrc      print no output, just set 
                return code.
   -firsthit    use only first matching 

chaining I/O support
   extract ... +xed   supports binary 
                      data transfer.
   xed ... +xed       supports binary 
                      data transfer.
   In all other cases like xed ... +filter 
   data is passed as text lines without
   zero bytes and up to 4000 chars per line.
   Binary transfer needs four times free
   memory available then the actual number
   of bytes passed.

unexpected hex data with xed chaining
   if you use xed and get an unexpected hex 
   output like 746573746... it means a
   following command cannot handle stream
   data. use option -tolines then.

unexpected line breaks with +tofile
   happen if lines are longer then 4096 
      use -tofile instead.
   happen if data contains carriage return 
      add "/\r//" to remove them.

see also
   sfk swap     change single line 
                character order

web access support
   extracting the head section from a web 
   page can be done like: sfk xex http:// "_<head>**</
   head>_" sfk xex http://.100/
   "_<head>**</head>_" sfk
   web .100 +xex "_<head>**</

archive file reading
   xed may directly read archive file 
   entries like\\sub1.bz2\\sub2.tar.
   gz. for details and limitations type
   "sfk help xe".

beware of Shell Command Characters.
   to find or replace text patterns 
   containing spaces or special
   characters like <>|!&?* you
   must add quotes "" around parameters
   or the shell environment will destroy
   your command. for example, pattern /
   foo bar/other/ must be written like "/
   foo bar/other/" within a .bat or .cmd
   file the percent % must be escaped
   like %% even within quotes: sfk echo
   -spat "percent %% is a percent \x25"

unexpected repeat replace behaviour
   depending on the input data and 
   search/replace expressions, it can
   happen that running the same replace
   multiple times on the same stream
   produces further hits that didn't exist
   in the first run. read the sfk replace
   extended help text by "sfk replace
   -full" for details.

quoted multi line parameters are supported 
in scripts
   using full trim. type "sfk script" for 

return codes for batch files
   0 = no matches, 1 = matches found, >1 
   = major error occurred. see also "sfk
   help opt" on how to influence error

about example numbers with [brackets]
   if you see [1] type "sfk cmd 1" for 
   whole command in one line.

web reference

more in the SFK Book
   the SFK Book contains a 60 page 
 tutorial, including
   detailed xed examples with input, script 
   and output. type "sfk book" for

   Note: also see "sfk xed" for further 
   sfk xex in.txt "_foo*bar_[part2]\n_"
      extract any text found within the 
      same line between foo and bar, using
      "_" as separator character instead of
      "/". you may leave out the third "_"
      to get an info text listing part
   sfk xex in.txt "_\qfoo\q[.100 bytes]\
      extract any text starting with "foo" 
      enclosed by double quotes, then
      having up to 100 bytes (including CR
      or LF, i.e. across multiple text
      lines), then ending with bar enclosed
      by double quotes, and print all parts.
   sfk xex in.cpp "/printf([bytes]);/[all]\
    +xed "/);[eol]/[all]/" "/[eol][.100 
    bytes of \x20]/ /"
      collect all (multi line) printf 
      statements from a text and reformat
      them as one statement per line.
      notice that "/);[eol]/[all]/" is a
      cover pattern, meaning it does not
      change anything, but keeps line
      endings after ");" from being changed
      by other patterns. [1]
   sfk xex in.xml 
      if in.xml contains simple xml 
      data like:
track></row>  then reformat
this to tab separated csv data.
   sfk xex in.csv "_[lstart]*\t*\
   t*_<row>\n <artist>[part2]
      if in.csv contains tab separated data 
artistname{TAB}albumname{TAB}trackname then reformat this to xml data. [3] dir | sfk xex -i -bylist dirtags.txt reformat windows 'dir' command output like: 05.12.2013 19:17 <DIR> myproj 28.01.2010 22:08 197 readme.txt using a bylist file dirtags.txt like: /??.??.????[white]??:? ?[white]<dir>[white]* /DIR : [part13]\n/. /??.??. ????[white]??:??[white][digit][* not ( )][white]* /file: [part14]\n/. producing output: DIR : myproj file: readme.txt sfk xex in.hpp "/bool[xwhite]bCl*;/" "/int[xwhite]iCl*;/" extract variable declarations like "bool bClDone;" or "int iClCounter;" from source code, including statements across multiple lines. sfk xex in.html "_<head>**</head>_" extract head section from an html. notice that "_" is used as the separator, as "/" is part of the text. sfk xex in.txt "/[lstart][4 chars][15 chars][15 chars]*/ [part2]\t[part3]\t[part4]\n/" +xed "/[white][char of (\t\r\ n)]/[part2]/" +tabtocsv extract from fixed column data like below: [4] 7936JAMES FOO ATLANTA 20140129 the first three columns as comma separated data like 7936,JAMES FOO,ATLANTA sfk xex\\sub1.tar.bz2\\ sub2.tar.gz\\Trace.hpp "/class*/" XE: extract phrases starting with "class" from a .tar.gz within a . tar.bz2 within a .zip file. XD: demo reads first 1000 bytes from sub2.tar.gz sfk xex in.txt "/rel: [02 digits].[02 digits].[04 digits] /[setvar date][parts 2,3,4,5, 6][endvar]/" +getvar searches a phrase like "rel: 03.09.2016" within in.txt and stores it as an sfk variable "date". the +getvar prints all defined variables with their content. [7] sfk xex in.xml "_<zone>**<id>*</ id>_[part" type this incomplete command to get part number infos. then complete the command like: sfk xex in.xml "_<zone>**<id>*</ id>_[part4]\n_" +filt -line=3 +setvar zoneid +echo -var ".100/start.php?zone=#(zoneid)" from an xml file like <zone><id>3</id></ zone><zone><id>1</ id></zone> <zone><id>8</id></ zone><zone><id>2</ id></zone> get the 3rd id and create an http URL using echo. add +tweb to execute the web request. [9] sfk xex foo.h +setvar a +then xed bar.c "/[lstart]#include \qfoo.h\ q*[eol]/[getvar a]/" replace a text line: #include "foo.h" within file bar.c by the file content of foo.h sfk -var setvar a="foo bar" +echo -pure "#(a)" +xex -justrc "_foo_" +if "rc=1" tell "got foo" check if variable a contains 'foo' by xex. can be extended to check for multiple, flexible expression patterns in parallel. sfk -var setvar a="foo bar" +if "#(contains(a,'foo')) = 1" tell "got foo" check if variable a contains 'foo' directly. fast but only one static text pattern. for details, type: sfk help var sfk xex in.xml "/[skip]<[chars not >]>/" /work/ search 'work' in text data of in.xml but not in tag names like <workbook> sfk echo aabbccdd +xed "/[2 chars][2 chars] [2 chars][2 chars]/[parts 4,3,2,1]/" produces ddccbbaa, i.e. it swaps 4 blocks of 2 chars each. (little endian conversion)

you are viewing this page in mobile portrait mode with a limited layout. turn your device right, use a desktop browser or buy the sfk e-book for improved reading.

sfk is a free open-source tool, running instantly without installation efforts. no DLL's, no registry changes - just get sfk.exe from the zip package and use it (binaries for windows, linux and mac are included).


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