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List biggest files
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Show subdir sizes
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List dir differences
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Free Open Source:

Swiss File Knife

a command line
multi function tool.

remove tabs
list dir sizes
find text
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instant ftp or
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file transfer
send text
patch text
patch binary
run own cmd
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dup file find
md5 lists
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save typing
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echo colors
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zip search
zip dir list

Depeche View
Source Research
First Steps

windows GUI

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file encryption

free external tools,
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reformat source

cpp sources

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using printf


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stat. java array
var. c array
var. java array
view all text
as you type
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location jump
skip accents
clip match
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send in Java
smooth scroll
touch scroll
fly wxWidgets
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Supersonic Text File Search - Free Download

Copy selected files and subdirectories on the command line by telling in detail what to include or exclude. Copy only changed files. Include or exclude hidden and system files with a free tool for Windows, Linux and Macintosh.
  • Download the free Swiss File Knife Base from Sourceforge.
  • Open the Windows CMD command line, Mac OS X Terminal or Linux shell.
  • OS X : type mv sfk-mac-64.exe sfk and chmod +x sfk then ./sfk
  • Linux: type mv sfk-linux-64.exe sfk and chmod +x sfk then ./sfk. OS X and Linux syntax may differ, check the help within the tool.
sfk copy srcRoot dstRoot [-dir subdir1 subdir2] [-file .ext1 .ext2]
sfk sync srcRoot dstRoot [-dir subdir1 subdir2] [-file .ext1 .ext2]

Directory tree copy, update copy and synchronization.

If destination does not yet exist, whole content of source is copied,
INCLUDING HIDDEN AND SYSTEM FILES. If destination already exists,
only updates are copied.

Symbolic links are NOT kept, but their content is duplicated. If this
is a problem, use a copy command of your operating system instead.

copy   copies files from source to destination if the target file
       doesn't exist yet, or if the source is NEWER than the target.
       copy will NOT copy OLDER files over NEWER files. furthermore,
       files that exist in destination but not in source are not removed,
       so copy will ADD and REPLACE, but not DELETE.

sync   nearly same as copy, however files that exist in destination
       but not in the source are called STALE files, and are DELETED
       if their age is >= 30 days. USE WITH CARE. If you specify wrong
       folders or file masks, this may delete files unintentionally.
       Take a close look at the output of the simulation mode, which
       is active by default.

-mirror       with sync, copy even older files from source over destination.
-wipe         delete stale files now (ignoring file ages).
-nocopy       with sync, do not copy files, run only delete cleanup.
              can be used if you want copy files first with a different
              copy program, and then run an sfk sync-delete.
-diff         list files in destination which have been modified after
              last copy. Whenever you get a short info "n differing files
              in dest", add -dif to get their names listed.
-since        or -sincedir/dif/add/chg copies only files selected by age
              or difference to another directory. "sfk list" for details.
-nohidden     exclude hidden and system files from copy.
-nofollow     do not follow symbolic link directory contents.
-nodirtime    since sfk folder times are copied by default.
              to disable it use this, or set SFK_CONFIG=nodirtime
-stat         in simulation: do not list filenames, only size statistics.
-keepstale=n  change the 30 days limit for stale files until deletion.
-noinfo       do not comment on skipped files.
-rel[names]   only with input chaining: strips source root directory names
              from filenames. if not selected, absolute paths starting
              like C:\ or /tmp will be stripped automatically.
              some chain commands may provide filenames without separate
              directories, in this case -relnames will produce an error.
-ltarg        always list target filenames (instead of source filenames).
-flat[=c]     do not create sub folders in output, but copy all into the
              same single output dir, with long flat names joining path
              parts by '-' or a given character c.
-flat2        like -flat but without path parts. there is no check
              for redundant output names.

files with whole content being copied are listed in default color.
files that will be deleted during sync are listed in warning color.
files with differing time but equal content are listed in time color.

completeness and efficiency:
- under Windows, SFK uses the CopyFileEx API function, which should
  be able to copy most file attributes and contents as good and fast
  as the XCopy command provided with Windows.
- under Linux, no native copy function is available, therefore SFK may
  not be able to copy all attributes, access rights and timestamps
  of the original files. Furthermore, copying can be slower than "cp".
- Directory attributes, access rights and time stamps may not be
  completely reproduced both on Windows and Linux.
- Changes from/to Daylight Saving Time, differing time zones or copies
  between FAT and NTFS may always copy files which were copied already.
  this is a general problem with all copy commands.

using file system views:
   if you want to specify many directory trees and dir/file masks,
   you may create a fileset, containing a list of directories.
   type "sfk help fileset" for details.

NO WARRANTY FOR DATA INTEGRITY. SFK copy is very convenient to use,
but if you need to copy massive amounts of highly important data, it is
recommended to use the original copy command of your operating system.
Always keep backups of important stuff. After large copies, do some spot
checking if important files were really copied without modifications.
Always double-check the reliability of external media like USB sticks,
e.g. by creating md5 lists (see "sfk md5gento").

see also
   sfk move        move files between two folders.
   sfk syncnames   sync file name changes.

   sfk copy g:\ .
      copy file from drive G: into the current folder.
      doing so with sfk will show the progress while copying.
   sfk copy c:\work d:\arc\work -dir . !\tmp\ !\save\ -file !.bak
      copy directory tree c:\work to d:\arc\work, excluding all dirs
      called tmp or save, including all files except .bak files.
   sfk copy d:\proj v:\team\proj -dir foosys\include foosys\source tools
      within directory tree proj, copy subdirectory trees foosys\include,
      foosys\source and tools, including all files therein.
   sfk filter testfiles -+foo +copy \tmp
      copy all files from testfiles containing "foo" to \tmp.
   sfk copy work archive -fileset myflist.txt
      copy the files listed in myflist.txt from work to archive.
      note that "-yes" must be specified directly after "copy".
      see also "sfk help fileset".
   sfk list mydir .txt .doc code.cpp +copy d:\save
      copies all .txt, .doc and code.cpp files from within mydir,
      including all subdirs, to d:\save. ALSO copies mycode.cpp,
      subcode.cpp.1 etc. as "code.cpp" ist just a pattern.
   sfk list -sincedir mydir1 -dir mydir2 -subdir !\save\
    -file !.bak +copy mydir3
      copies all files that were added or changed between mydir1
      and mydir2 to mydir3, excluding files in sub folders "save",
      and excluding .bak files (type whole command in one line).
      type "sfk list" for more on -sincedir, -sinceadd or -sincedif.
   sfk sel website .jpg .png .gif +copy tmp -flat
      copy all images from all subfolders within website into
      a single flat output folder tmp, without any sub folders.
      this allows to get an image overview (gallery) by opening
      tmp within windows explorer.
   sfk sel a.txt b.txt c.txt +copy \tmp
      copy enumerated files to \tmp
   sfk fromclip +copy \tmp
      copy files listed in the clipboard to \tmp
sfk copy srcRoot dstRoot [-dir subdir1 
   subdir2] [-file .ext1 .ext2]
sfk sync srcRoot dstRoot [-dir subdir1 
   subdir2] [-file .ext1 .ext2]

Directory tree copy, update copy and 

If destination does not yet exist, whole 
content of source is copied,
destination already exists,
only updates are copied.

Symbolic links are NOT kept, but their 
content is duplicated. If this
is a problem, use a copy command of your 
operating system instead.

copy   copies files from source to 
       destination if the target file
       doesn't exist yet, or if the source
       is NEWER than the target. copy will
       NOT copy OLDER files over NEWER
       files. furthermore, files that exist
       in destination but not in source are
       not removed, so copy will ADD and
       REPLACE, but not DELETE.

sync   nearly same as copy, however files 
       that exist in destination but not in
       the source are called STALE files,
       and are DELETED if their age is
       >= 30 days. USE WITH CARE. If you
       specify wrong folders or file masks,
       this may delete files
       unintentionally. Take a close look
       at the output of the simulation mode,
       which is active by default.

-mirror       with sync, copy even older 
              files from source over
-wipe         delete stale files now 
              (ignoring file ages).
-nocopy       with sync, do not copy files, 
              run only delete cleanup. can
              be used if you want copy
              files first with a different
              copy program, and then run an
              sfk sync-delete.
-diff         list files in destination 
              which have been modified
              after last copy. Whenever you
              get a short info "n differing
              files in dest", add -dif to
              get their names listed.
-since        or -sincedir/dif/add/chg 
                  copies only files
                  selected by age
              or difference to another 
              directory. "sfk list" for
-nohidden     exclude hidden and system 
              files from copy.
-nofollow     do not follow symbolic link 
              directory contents.
-nodirtime    since sfk folder 
              times are copied by default.
              to disable it use this, or
              set SFK_CONFIG=nodirtime
-stat         in simulation: do not list 
              filenames, only size
-keepstale=n  change the 30 days limit for 
              stale files until deletion.
-noinfo       do not comment on skipped 
-rel[names]   only with input chaining: 
              strips source root directory
              names from filenames. if not
              selected, absolute paths
              starting like C:\ or /tmp
              will be stripped
              automatically. some chain
              commands may provide
              filenames without separate
              directories, in this case
              -relnames will produce an
-ltarg        always list target filenames 
              (instead of source filenames).
-flat[=c]     do not create sub folders in 
              output, but copy all into the
              same single output dir, with
              long flat names joining path
              parts by '-' or a given
              character c.
-flat2        like -flat but without path 
                    parts. there is no
              for redundant output names.

files with whole content being copied are 
listed in default color.
files that will be deleted during sync are 
listed in warning color.
files with differing time but equal content 
are listed in time color.

completeness and efficiency:
- under Windows, SFK uses the CopyFileEx 
  API function, which should be able to
  copy most file attributes and contents as
  good and fast as the XCopy command
  provided with Windows.
- under Linux, no native copy function is 
  available, therefore SFK may not be able
  to copy all attributes, access rights and
  timestamps of the original files.
  Furthermore, copying can be slower than
- Directory attributes, access rights and 
  time stamps may not be completely
  reproduced both on Windows and Linux.
- Changes from/to Daylight Saving Time, 
  differing time zones or copies between
  FAT and NTFS may always copy files which
  were copied already. this is a general
  problem with all copy commands.

using file system views:
   if you want to specify many directory 
   trees and dir/file masks, you may create
   a fileset, containing a list of
   directories. type "sfk help fileset" for

is very convenient to use,
but if you need to copy massive amounts of 
highly important data, it is recommended
to use the original copy command of your
operating system. Always keep backups of
important stuff. After large copies, do
some spot checking if important files were
really copied without modifications. Always
double-check the reliability of external
media like USB sticks, e.g. by creating md5
lists (see "sfk md5gento").

see also
   sfk move        move files between two 
   sfk syncnames   sync file name changes.

examples sfk copy g:\ . copy file from drive G: into the current folder. doing so with sfk will show the progress while copying. sfk copy c:\work d:\arc\work -dir . !\ tmp\ !\save\ -file !.bak copy directory tree c:\work to d:\arc\ work, excluding all dirs called tmp or save, including all files except . bak files. sfk copy d:\proj v:\team\proj -dir foosys\include foosys\source tools within directory tree proj, copy subdirectory trees foosys\include, foosys\source and tools, including all files therein. sfk filter testfiles -+foo +copy \tmp copy all files from testfiles containing "foo" to \tmp. sfk copy work archive -fileset myflist.txt copy the files listed in myflist.txt from work to archive. note that "-yes" must be specified directly after "copy". see also "sfk help fileset". sfk list mydir .txt .doc code.cpp +copy d:\save copies all .txt, .doc and code.cpp files from within mydir, including all subdirs, to d:\save. ALSO copies mycode.cpp, subcode.cpp.1 etc. as "code.cpp" ist just a pattern. sfk list -sincedir mydir1 -dir mydir2 -subdir !\save\ -file !.bak +copy mydir3 copies all files that were added or changed between mydir1 and mydir2 to mydir3, excluding files in sub folders "save", and excluding .bak files (type whole command in one line). type "sfk list" for more on -sincedir, -sinceadd or -sincedif. sfk sel website .jpg .png .gif +copy tmp -flat copy all images from all subfolders within website into a single flat output folder tmp, without any sub folders. this allows to get an image overview (gallery) by opening tmp within windows explorer. sfk sel a.txt b.txt c.txt +copy \tmp copy enumerated files to \tmp sfk fromclip +copy \tmp copy files listed in the clipboard to \tmp

you are viewing this page in mobile portrait mode with a limited layout. turn your device right, use a desktop browser or buy the sfk e-book for improved reading.

sfk is a free open-source tool, running instantly without installation efforts. no DLL's, no registry changes - just get sfk.exe from the zip package and use it (binaries for windows, linux and mac are included).


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