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sfk fixfile [options] dirname repair file names with invalid characters, add missing file time from filename, on files created by embedded devices like personal video recorders (PVR). use with care! filenames and times may be changed completely and this cannot be undone. this command runs in simulation mode by default, previewing changes without modifying anything. add -yes to really apply changes. limited file selection this command is for Windows only and supports only a few file selection options like -dir and -file. options -dewide if any unicode 16 bit wide characters are found in the filename (making the file unusable for many command line applications) remove them. careful! use this only if just a few of such characters exist, otherwise the file may become completely unusable. -setftime if date and time info are found in the name like in myfile-01312015-1740-news.mpg then extract date and time. if the file has no date or a different date change it to the found date. -setndate change date text in filename to normalized flat format YMD like 20150113 -defull same as -dewide -setftime -setndate -withsub include sub directories (not default) see also the following are normally used after fixfile as they need plain ASCII filenames to work with. sfk rename flexible mass rename of files examples sfk fixfile -defull f:\HBPVR .mts .meta fix filenames and times of .mts and .meta files in the recording folder of a XORO HRK 7560. for example, it will change a filename like ?S?uper_?R?TL-01312015-0540-SpongeBob.mts to Super_RTL-20150131-0540-SpongeBob.mts stripping four wide characters and also setting the file date/time to 31.01.2015 at 05:40. sfk fixfile -defull -dir f:\HBPVR -file .mts .meta same as above using long file selection syntax. sfk fixfile [options] dirname repair file names with invalid characters, add missing file time from filename, on files created by embedded devices like personal video recorders (PVR). use with care! filenames and times may be changed completely and this cannot be undone. this command runs in simulation mode by default, previewing changes without modifying anything. add -yes to really apply changes. limited file selection this command is for Windows only and supports only a few file selection options like -dir and -file. options -dewide if any unicode 16 bit wide characters are found in the filename (making the file unusable for many command line applications) remove them. careful! use this only if just a few of such characters exist, otherwise the file may become completely unusable. -setftime if date and time info are found in the name like in myfile-01312015-1740-news.mpg then extract date and time. if the file has no date or a different date change it to the found date. -setndate change date text in filename to normalized flat format YMD like 20150113 -defull same as -dewide -setftime -setndate -withsub include sub directories (not default) see also the following are normally used after fixfile as they need plain ASCII filenames to work with. sfk rename flexible mass rename of files examples sfk fixfile -defull f:\HBPVR .mts .meta fix filenames and times of .mts and .meta files in the recording folder of a XORO HRK 7560. for example, it will change a filename like ?S?uper_?R?TL-01312015-0540-SpongeBob.mts to Super_RTL-20150131-0540-SpongeBob.mts stripping four wide characters and also setting the file date/time to 31. 01.2015 at 05:40. sfk fixfile -defull -dir f:\HBPVR -file .mts .meta same as above using long file selection syntax. you are viewing this page in mobile portrait mode with a limited layout. turn your device right, use a desktop browser or buy the sfk e-book for improved reading. sfk is a free open-source tool, running instantly without installation efforts. no DLL's, no registry changes - just get sfk.exe from the zip package and use it (binaries for windows, linux and mac are included).
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