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sfk time [options] [format] sfk clock[2] prints the current date and time, or shows a clock with absolute and relative time. format: Y = year M = month D = day h = hour m = minute s = second any other char is passed through. default format is YMDhms. options -nice print format Y-M-D h:m:s -spat support slash patterns \t etc. -from n print unix timestamp n as human readable time. -strfpat use alternative formats chars as defined by the strftime c function (but without %). aliases sfk date show just the date sfk clock2 show just a relative time sfk clock3 also shows overall start time and (on Enter) a second column with relative time since overall start interactive control press Enter while displaying sfk clock to reset the relative time. chaining support cannot use chain input data. see also sfk unixtime prints the unix timestamp sfk sleep delay execution for some time examples sfk time -spat "Y-M-D\th:m:s" +filt -tabform "$col2 $col1" prints 2011-06-16 06:17:31 to terminal, with a tab character between date and time, post processing the output by sfk filter. sfk clock permanently show absolute and relative time. sfk time [options] [format] sfk clock[2] prints the current date and time, or shows a clock with absolute and relative time. format: Y = year M = month D = day h = hour m = minute s = second any other char is passed through. default format is YMDhms. options -nice print format Y-M-D h:m:s -spat support slash patterns \t etc. -from n print unix timestamp n as human readable time. -strfpat use alternative formats chars as defined by the strftime c function (but without %). aliases sfk date show just the date sfk clock2 show just a relative time sfk clock3 also shows overall start time and (on Enter) a second column with relative time since overall start interactive control press Enter while displaying sfk clock to reset the relative time. chaining support cannot use chain input data. see also sfk unixtime prints the unix timestamp sfk sleep delay execution for some time examples sfk time -spat "Y-M-D\th:m:s" +filt -tabform "$col2 $col1" prints 2011-06-16 06:17:31 to terminal, with a tab character between date and time, post processing the output by sfk filter. sfk clock permanently show absolute and relative time. you are viewing this page in mobile portrait mode with a limited layout. turn your device right, use a desktop browser or buy the sfk e-book for improved reading. sfk is a free open-source tool, running instantly without installation efforts. no DLL's, no registry changes - just get sfk.exe from the zip package and use it (binaries for windows, linux and mac are included).
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