logical operators for the search text
And where is OR, there is AND, and ... one example:
If you type
LSTART candy AND bar*banana NOT foobar
you are searching lines
- starting with "candy"
- and having "bar" and "banana" in their text
- but excluding lines containing "foobar"
NOTE that the wildcard "*" is basically the same as AND.
The full list of supported operators:
AND find lines with both words
* same as AND, only shorter
OR find lines having one word or the other
NOT exclude lines having the word
TAB find TAB characters within text
Depeche View Pro also supports:
LSTART or LS find only lines starting with that word
LEND find only lines ending with that word
(you have to add one blank after the word)
WORD find full words only, made from A-Z 0-9 _
COLn search only in TAB separated data column n
More examples:
"class *bar* obj OR warn NOT goo"
finds lines containing "class FooBar: public Obj" or "warning" but not "CGooBar".
"LS class OR LEND ;"
finds lines beginning with class or ending with ;
"foo TAB bar"
finds "foo bar" with a single TAB character inbetween.
Type just "TAB" to find the word "TAB", but type "TAB " (with a blank)
to find all TAB characters.