How to do things
AI Noob vs. Pro

List biggest files
List newest files
Show subdir sizes
Search in files
Replace word in files
List dir differences
Send files in LAN

Free Open Source:

Swiss File Knife

a command line
multi function tool.

remove tabs
list dir sizes
find text
filter lines
find in path
collect text
instant ftp or
http server
file transfer
send text
patch text
patch binary
run own cmd
convert crlf
dup file find
md5 lists
fromto clip
split files
list latest
compare dirs
save typing
trace http
echo colors
head & tail
dep. listing
find classes
speed shell
zip search
zip dir list

Depeche View
Source Research
First Steps

windows GUI

command line
file encryption

free external tools,
zero install effort,
usb stick compliant:

zip and unzip
diff and merge
reformat xml
reformat source

cpp sources

log tracing
mem tracing
using printf


stat. c array
stat. java array
var. c array
var. java array
view all text
as you type
surf over text
find by click
quick copy
multi view
find nearby
find by path
location jump
skip accents
clip match
filter lines
edit text
load filter
hotkey list
receive text
send in C++
send in Java
smooth scroll
touch scroll
fly wxWidgets
fly over Qt
search Java

Supersonic Text File Search - Free Download

Tips and Tricks on how to use Depeche View more efficiently.
compact input reference

 F1: FULLSCREEN MODE ON/OFF   F5: reload changed files 
 F2: horizontal tiling on/off F6: toggle file list
 F3: next search result       F7: toggle case sensitive search
 F4: toggle filtered view     F12: minimize all views
 F3+CTRL: previous search result
 CTRL+(SHIFT+)Home: jump to previous file  (or top of all)
 CTRL+(SHIFT+)End : jump through file ends (or bottom of all)
 SHIFT+LEFT/RIGHT : horizontal motion  (ENTER to reset  )
 CTRL+TAB to change tab size. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB for large tab sizes.
 ESCAPE to close latest view, or all, if in first view. 
 SHIFT+ESCAPE always closes all views, then exits.

 CONTROL+LCLICK into the find mask copies the find mask to clipboard.
 CONTROL+LCLICK into the path mask copies the path mask to clipboard.

 CTRL+J toggles larger main font. CTRL+SHIFT+J toggles bookmark font.
 CTRL+N in local scope mode narrows path selector to the current subfile. 
 CTRL+SHIFT+N also runs an instant search. CTRL+M clears path selector.   
 CTRL+H for search result line highlight, CTRL+T for TAB/space highlight. 
 F1+SHIFT toggles between (nearly) symmetric and triple column layout.
 F2+CTRL  toggles the position where search result lines are shown.
 CTRL+I toggles display of line and column number information.            
 CTRL+P toggles max. delay, after a word was typed, before search starts. 
 RBUTTON on BLANK space not only opens or activates a nearby view, but    
 also copies the search context (search path) into this view.             
 DOUBLE CLICK on blank space shows ALL views, with current view topmost.  
 DOUBLE CONTROL or ALT+RCLICK on a word selects it for highlighting.      
 multiple words can be selected. DOUB.CONTROL on blank resets highlights. 
 CTRL+Z jumps back to the text position before the last search.

how to search a combination of "30", "*" and "60"
If you want to search occurrences of the literals "30", "*" (the actual star) and "60" within the same line, because you want to find stuff like:

    long nSeconds = 30 * 60; // wait 30 minutes

a bit of thinking is required:

  • just typing "30*60" doesn't help, as it finds literal "30" and "60" with any text inbetween.
  • switching off operators won't help as well, in this case the literal 5-character string "30*60" is searched.
  • unfortunately, escaping it like "30***60" doesn't help either, dview simply takes the first "**" encountered and... well, searches for literal "30*" then something else.

So use "30 AND ** AND 60" instead.

special options

option -noshl or CTRL+F8 disables syntax highlighting.

set "DVIEW_CONFIG=noumlauts" to avoid inclusion of European special characters (ASCII codes >= 0xC0) in phrase selections.

fine tuning the desktop icon

if you look at the properties of the icon, you'll find parameters like

-cfg1 -wrapbin=80 -file -all .doc .xls .ppt .pdf -any

this tells dview not only to load pure ASCII text files, but also binary office files like .doc, .xls etc., extract strings from them, and display these as well. now, if you want further files to be included, e.g. .dll or further office formats, you may add their extensions to the list, e.g.

-cfg1 -wrapbin=80 -file -all .doc .xls .ppt .pdf .dll .exe -any

you may also create several icons manually, with different parameters. for example, one icon may contain

-cfg1 -wrapbin=80 -file .cpp .hpp -any

which will load ONLY files of type .cpp .hpp (no "-all" specified).

optimizing the windows command prompt

   It is recommended that your Windows Command Prompt is well configured,
   having quick edit and insert mode active, a large window buffer size,
   and many output columns. Step by step:

      1. create a shell shortcut on your desktop:
         - open "Start/Programs/Accessories".
         - move the mouse over "Command Prompt",
           then press right mouse button, and select Copy.
         - go to an empty place on the desktop.
         - select Paste.
      2. on the new desktop shortcut,
         - press right mouse button, select Properties.
      3. in the Command Prompt Properties, set

         - Options: activate QuickEdit and Insert mode
         - Font   : select 7 x 12
         - Layout : Screen buffer size: Width 160, Height 3000
                    Window size       : Width 160, Height   30
      4. close Properties by clicking OK.
      5. double-click on the Command Prompt icon to open a shell.
With this comfortable command prompt, you can:

- select text anytime with the left mouse button, then press right button to copy the text to clipboard.

- paste text from the clipboard into the command line with the right mouse button.

- this window remembers 3000 lines of output, which should be sufficient for long directory listings and command outputs.

- by pressing the TAB key, filenames are expanded. for example, instead of typing

dview theverycomplicateddirectoryname


dview the then press the TAB key. or, instead of typing

cd verylongcomplicated\subdirectorystuff\deepdocuments


cd very{TAB}\sub{TAB}\deep{TAB}

where {TAB} means pressing the tab key.

working this way can be much faster than with windows explorer, especially when using the Swiss File Knife.

First chapter  -  Introduction and Download page.