CSV or Tab Separated Data File Viewer: Depeche View for Windows 7-11.
Depeche View is a high speed text search application
that can search TAB separated database exports from
databases or spreadsheet applications in realtime.
It allows to search words as you type, or by clicking on words already present on screen, producing result lists instantly. A typical scenario is to check address data for correctness. In the screenshot to the right, a database of zip codes, or postal codes, taken from geonames.org was loaded with Depeche View Pro. The database provides country code, postal code, place name, state, county and community as tab separated columns.
So I have to restrict my search to the third column of the database, as this is the city name. This is done by typing:
This way, I get only 358 hits. But still I get city names like Mount Washington, or Fort Washington. I want records with the whole 3rd column containting only Washington, and nothing else. Furthermore, it should be in the District Of Columbia only. Finally, I type:
and get all zip codes from exactly that city. As you can see, the main principle of Depeche View is simplicity. It does NOT use complicated regular expressions, but plain English search operators like AND, OR, NOT, or COL for column. Furthermore Depeche View allows to search words by a single click on a word, either in the same window, or through a right click in a different window. This allows high speed jumping between different table contents. |
Another major feature is clipboard automation: let Depeche View run in parallel to your spreadsheet application, and whenever you copy a word into the clipboard, let Depeche View run an automated search in it's text data. This and more can be tried immediately by downloading the free Depeche View Pro Demo. |