How to list all files having a word in their filename

in the current folder and all subfolders, case insensitive, on the Windows command line - Noob vs. Pro

AI Noob Answer:

"you can use the command line tool "dir" command:

dir /s /b /a-d /o-n | find /i "word" ... best options ever. how about /f /o /r /g /e /t /i /t ?

The "/s" option tells dir to search recursively, the "/b" option tells dir to print just the file name, the "/a-d" option tells ... blabla ...

An alternative is "for" and "findstr":

for /r %i in (*) do @echo %i | findstr /i "word" ... seems to work, but far too complicated.

The "for /r" command will loop through all files in the current folder and subfolders and ... blabla ...

Is that helpful? Not really.


Pro Answer:

Forget the above junk, download the free open source SFK for any system and type:

sfk :word

Done. You may also type sfk filefind word, but the ":" is shortest. Example output:


Read the full syntax here.

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