#!/bin/bash # XMake 0.5 - Cross network make of projects. # Client script for the Linux/Mac command line. # # Sync sources, compile remote, receive error output, # forward compiled binaries to target device. # requires: # sfk.exe on your Windows PC, download from # stahlworks.com/sfk.exe # xmakeserv.sh running on build server (which runs sfk) # example call: # xmake.sh m5 i686 200 clean # meaning: compile product m5 for architecture i686 # and target ip .200 from scratch (clean) # === short parameters === export PRODUCT="$1" export TOOLCHAIN="$2" export TARGET="$3" export CLEAN="$4" if [ "$TOOLCHAIN" = "" ]; then echo "usage : ./xmake.sh product architecture targetip [clean]" echo "example: ./xmake.sh m3 bbb" echo " ./xmake.sh m5 a13 clean" exit fi # parameter "clean" must be 0 or 1 if [ "$CLEAN" = "clean" ]; then export CLEAN="1" else export CLEAN="0" fi # === dataway defaults === # = all source code is edited in: LOCAL_WORK # = xmakeserv.sh runs on machine: BUILD_SERVER # = file transfer uses password : TRANSFER_PW # = your Windows PC running DView is : LOG_TARGET export BUILD_SERVER= export TRANSFER_PW=mycmdpw123 export LOG_TARGET= # === internal inits === # = this batch file logs to DView by network text # = (enable Setup / General / Network text). # = file sync should be non verbose. # = sfk uses ftp password from SFK_FTP_PW. export SFK_LOGTO="term,net:$LOG_TARGET" export FTPOPT="-nohead -quiet -noprog" export SFK_FTP_PW="$TRANSFER_PW" # === auto extend short parms to full parms === # = extend product "m5" to "m5player". # = extend target "200" to "". if [ "$PRODUCT" = "m3" ]; then export PRODUCT="m3player" fi if [ "$PRODUCT" = "m5" ]; then export PRODUCT="m5player" fi # === show a hello in the network text (SFK_LOGTO) === sfk echo "[green]=== xmake: $PRODUCT $TOOLCHAIN for $TARGET with clean=$CLEAN ===[def]" +tolog # === 1. sync changed files to build server === sfk select xmakerem.sh +sft $FTPOPT $BUILD_SERVER cput -yes sfk select -dir $PRODUCT -subdir :tmp -file :.bak :.tmp +sft $FTPOPT $BUILD_SERVER cput -yes # === 2. run build on server === rm xmakerem.log sfk sft $FTPOPT $BUILD_SERVER run "bash xmakerem.sh $PRODUCT $TOOLCHAIN $TARGET $CLEAN $LOG_TARGET >xmakerem.log 2>&1" -yes sfk sft $FTPOPT $BUILD_SERVER get xmakerem.log cat xmakerem.log # === 3. confirm completion === sfk echo "[green]=== xmake done. ===[def]" +tolog # === uncomment this to keep script window open === # sfk echo "[Magenta]=== waiting for user to close script window. ===[def]" +tolog +then pause